Summary: What if you could bend time, or at least could see where others had bent it?
This is a collection of stories which take place within the Times of the HG Wells universe (a sequel universe to In Between Days), or have something to do with any of the principals in that series, or their counterparts. The principals are: canon character Temporal Agent Richard Daniels, HD Avery, Daniel Beauchaine, Sheilagh Bernstein, Branch Borodin, Admiral Carmen Calavicci, Dr. Marisol Castillo, Levi Cavendish, Otra D’Angelo, Thomas Grant, Deirdre Katzman, Kevin O’Connor, Polly Porter, Crystal Sherwood and Dr. Boris Yarin.
The works are in chronological order by their main time periods. Longer books, including prequels (even works from In Between Days if they are also within the HG Wells universe) and the eight big books, are listed chronologically with teaser copy and dates, but only with a link to where a book is already posted.
The eight main books are divided into three sections: Section I is called Repairs, and contains A Long, Long Time Ago; Ohio and You Mixed-Up Siciliano. Section II is called Complications and contains Spring Thaw and Where the Wind Comes Sweepin’ Down the Plain. Section III is called Unravelings and contains The Point is Probably Moot; Shake Your Body and He Stays a Stranger.
Times of the HG Wells refers to the voyages of that time ship and the general workings of the 31st and 32nd century Temporal Integrity Commission. The structure of the eight big books is meant to be a serial evocative of the season-long canon ENT Xindi arc, where all of the stories were interrelated.
As always, I thank you for reading, reviewing and inspiring.
Chapters: 35
Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise,
Mirror Universe,
Alternate Universes,
Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: None
Warnings: None
Series: Times of the HG Wells
Completed: No
Word count: 22557
Read Count: 93643