Summary: In which humanity's survival depends on Levi Cavendish's social skills.
Written for the TToT "Steal All The Toys" Challenge, Summer 2013.
Continued for the TToT "Collaboration Station" Challenge, Summer 2015
Winner: Special Edition: Steal All the Toys Challenge
Rated: K
Categories: Expanded Universes Characters: Cavendish, Levi,
D'Angelo, Otra,
O'Connor, Maren
Genre: Friendship,
HumorWarnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek: Tesseract,
Times of the HG Wells
Chapters: 6
Completed: No
Word count: 11946
Read: 12767
Published: 01 Sep 2013
Updated: 26 Jun 2015
1. Undercover by kes7 [Reviews - 7] (3191 words)
This idea seized me and I was having a blast writing/brainstorming it, but life got in the way and this was as far as I got with it before the clock ran out. It is my hope that this will be continued ...
2. Calculations by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1505 words)
3. Nys'liet by kes7 [Reviews - 1] (2096 words)
4. The Company You Keep by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1781 words)
5. Kiss of Fate by kes7 [Reviews - 1] (2095 words)
Co-written by jes and kes, a.k.a. kespah7 :)
6. Religious Objections by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1278 words)
Cowritten by me and kes7, AKA, kespah7