Summary: The only thing we really know about other cultures is what they choose to show us…and in this day and age, that usually translates to entertainment in some form--”whether it is movies, books, or what we see in the media. I see that getting worse, instead of better, as time wears on, and with the development of new technologies and new media sources.
Meet the Serpendi, a race of shape shifters living on the fringes of Federation space. They are the latest in a string of peoples for which the Enterprise has been sent to make First Contact. The Serpendi, choosing to present themselves to the Enterprise crew as cat-like creatures, in their excitement to make contact with the many cultures of the galaxy, have performed meticulous study of the cultural habits of the member worlds of the Federation, with a concentration on humans and Vulcans. However, as the Enterprise crew finds, their study materials are a bit obscure and archaic, or else they simply have a problem distinguishing between fact and fiction. Practical jokers by nature, in preparation for meeting the Enterprise, they have recreated the human clichés among their people…from the evil genius to the brilliant but bumbling scientist, and everything in between. If it’s an archetype, you’ll find it here. This is a story of epic heroes and villains, of fairy tales, comic books, and nursery rhymes, and of practical jokes and paradoxes…And in a world where nothing is as it seems, whether this will turn out to be the best First Contact mission ever, or something resembling a bad shore leave, is anybody’s guess.
Chapters: 3
Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Ensemble Cast - TOS
Genre: Humor, IDIC
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes
Word count: 5027
Read Count: 5061