A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Enjoy the Ride by mdgarcia    Rated: M      Reviews (8

Stardate Unknown: Two bounty hunters are tracking down their latest bounty to fulfill their contract.

An alternate universe story, outside the established continuity of both Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead and Star Trek: The Quarterdeck Breed.

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Warnings: Adult Language, Violence
Series: Star Trek: The Quarterdeck Breed, Star Trek: Full Speed Ahead
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1370    Read Count: 2863
[Report This] Published: 19 Jul 2009 Updated: 19 Jul 2009
New Fronts, Old War by Gibraltar    Rated: K    Liked  Reviews (3

A too-late for consideration entry to the News Headlines Challenge.

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - USS Gibraltar
Genre: Other
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: Gibraltar
Completed: Yes    Word count: 932    Read Count: 1718
[Report This] Published: 17 Jul 2009 Updated: 17 Jul 2009
Film At Eleven by Teddog    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (4
Summary: In an alternate version of the Mirror Universe, the news coverage of a character's "death" sets off a debate between two rebellion commanders.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Mirror Universe, Alternate Universes, Crossovers
Characters: DeVant-Smith, Nan-Cy, Rimmer, Arnold J., Scott, Montgomery (Mirror)
Genre: Humor
Warnings: None
Series: Alternate Mirror Universe
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1437    Read Count: 1689
[Report This] Published: 15 Jul 2009 Updated: 15 Jul 2009
Summary: "The Reaper" and "the Red Menace" strike again!
Winner: Headlines Challenge
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Other
Warnings: None
Series: Tales Of The Storyteller
Completed: Yes    Word count: 920    Read Count: 1875
[Report This] Published: 13 Jul 2009 Updated: 13 Jul 2009
A Stone's Throw Away by Nerys Ghemor    Rated: T    Liked  Reviews (9

Sometimes the eidetic Cardassian memory is the most dreadful burden of all.

Glinn Tayben Berat knows he wants to survive. But how?

Written for the July 2009 TrekBBS Writing Challenge.

(This story takes place in 2369, just a week after the events of Lois Tilton's novel Betrayal, and almost six years before "Let He Who Has Eyes See," so be aware there are extensive spoilers for her book.)

Winner: Haunted Challenge
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Deep Space Nine, Expanded Universes
Characters: Berat, Tayben
Genre: None
Warnings: Violence
Series: Star Trek: Sigils and Unions
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3059    Read Count: 1627
[Report This] Published: 10 Jul 2009 Updated: 10 Jul 2009
The Bold Knight by Firefly    Rated: K    Liked  Reviews (4
Summary: Now it happened that there was a young man who soon after reaching manhood became a Knight; so valiant and brave was he that his deeds soon became known throughout all the lands... but his one great dream had always been to sail the seas on a ship of his own. AU.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes, Original Series
Characters: Ensemble Cast - TOS
Genre: Alternate Universe
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2465    Read Count: 2471
[Report This] Published: 07 Jul 2009 Updated: 07 Jul 2009
Seven Minutes by Rocky    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (6
Summary: What was going through Pike's mind during [spoiler for the new movie]
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Pike, Chris (Greenwood)
Genre: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1355    Read Count: 2114
[Report This] Published: 06 Jul 2009 Updated: 06 Jul 2009

Wolf 359: The lone Borg cube, led by former Starfleet captain Jean-Luc Picard, cleaves a path for Earth through a fleet of thirty-nine Starfleet vessels. Not a single one of them survived the attack, and over ten thousand officers and enlisted lost their lives. In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Lieutenant (jg) January McKenna of the late starship Roosevelt, survives in an escape pod.

In Earth orbit, the Galaxy-class starship Enterprise-D, faces off with the cube. And loses. Attempting to destroy the cube by ramming it, the resulting explosion leaves the cube only half-damaged and fully operational. The famous crew of the Enterprise has died, and now it's up to the rest of Starfleet... and the entire Alpha Quadrant... to deal with a frightening fact: The Borg have invaded Earth.

This is the novella that kicked off the popular online multi-player game, Where No One Has Gone Before. From an idea by Todd James.

Winner: "The Choice" Challenge

Chapters: 10    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death, Violence
Series: Where No One Has Gone Before
Completed: Yes    Word count: 32684    Read Count: 31556
[Report This] Published: 03 Jul 2009 Updated: 05 Jul 2009
By Any Other Name by LJC    Rated: K+      Reviews (3
Summary: Number One has been called many things.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Number One, Pike, Chris (Greenwood)
Genre: Drama, Friendship, General, Het, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Second Chances
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3928    Read Count: 2135
[Report This] Published: 04 Jul 2009 Updated: 04 Jul 2009
Final Definition by SLWalker    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (5
Summary: A Jim-POV piece to follow along with Anna Amuse's incredible 'Should I Fall Behind'. Go read that first. I'm not kidding, this won't make sense without it.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T., Spock
Genre: Alternate Universe, Tragedy
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 803    Read Count: 1846
[Report This] Published: 04 Jul 2009 Updated: 04 Jul 2009
Should I Fall Behind by Anna Amuse    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (10
Summary: An alternate ending to TOS, no Nexus. AU. McCoy's POV.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Alternate Universe, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 5127    Read Count: 1925
[Report This] Published: 04 Jul 2009 Updated: 04 Jul 2009

Captain McAllistair and the crew of the Venture find themselves on their final mission... without warning.  (McKenna timeline/Alternate Universe)

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Universes
Characters: None
Genre: None
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Where No One Has Gone Before
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3773    Read Count: 1641
[Report This] Published: 03 Jul 2009 Updated: 03 Jul 2009

Go beyond the Universal Translator to read--and hear--about the Cardassian language designed by Nerys Ghemor for Sigils and Unions and its subseries, Catacombs of Oralius.

Written from a largely in-universe perspective, lessons will be added as I find time to write explanations and record the accompanying audio (which is hosted here on the Ad Astra forum--please note that you must be a registered member of the forum in good standing to hear the audio!).

And your first lesson: Kiba'avzayn ta'aboun-cor means "good tidings from friends" in Federation Standard.

Publicly-available grammatical work has ENDED.  While I will continue to leave the existing material available, the fact that the language is now being adopted by others outside the Sigils and Unions universe has led me to keep all actual grammatical information to myself so that I am the only one who can generate authentic words and phrases.

Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Meta, Essays and Everything Else
Characters: None
Genre: None
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: Sigils and Unions Background Information
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1748    Read Count: 7423
[Report This] Published: 06 Jun 2009 Updated: 03 Jul 2009
First Steps by MIck    Rated: T      Reviews (7
Summary: The beginnings of James Montgomery's rise from Boomer to become one of the first humans to fly at warp five. These are the challenges he faced to make him the reluctant hero he was destined to become.
Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Enterprise, Expanded Universes
Characters: Archer, Jonathan, Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 6629    Read Count: 4427
[Report This] Published: 30 Jun 2009 Updated: 30 Jun 2009
No Regrets by Firefly    Rated: K+      Reviews (3
Summary: Ambassador Spock was alone... My therapy story for the new movie. Spoilers for Star Trek: 2009, obviously.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Spock (Nimoy)
Genre: General
Warnings: Character Death
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 4421    Read Count: 2527
[Report This] Published: 30 Jun 2009 Updated: 30 Jun 2009
Positive Thinking by SLWalker    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (6

(2249) - A landing party from the U.S.S. Churchill finds themselves up a creek. Without a paddle.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Corrigan, Andrew (Corry), Scott, Montgomery (Scotty)
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: Arc of the Wolf: Below Fifty South, Arc of the Wolf
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2335    Read Count: 1672

[Report This] Published: 29 Jun 2009 Updated: 29 Jun 2009
Captain on the Bridge! by IntrepidSovereign    Rated: K      Reviews (5
Summary: Captain Sydney Satterwhite puts her feet up and recounts her first day on board the Adirondack.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Ensemble Cast - USS Adirondack, Satterwhite, Sydney
Genre: General
Warnings: None
Series: Tales Of The Storyteller
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2050    Read Count: 1439
[Report This] Published: 25 Jun 2009 Updated: 25 Jun 2009
USS Seleya - Corkscrewed by Mistral    Rated: T      Reviews (13

The finale to The Fracture and the last long Seleya story I have written.

Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Next Generation, Mirror Universe, Alternate Universes, Expanded Universes
Characters: Data, La Forge, Geordi, Picard, Jean-Luc
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death
Series: Tales of the U.S.S. Seleya
Completed: Yes    Word count: 25782    Read Count: 22700
[Report This] Published: 06 May 2009 Updated: 23 Jun 2009
The Other Side Of Love by Anna Amuse    Rated: M    Liked  Reviews (6
Summary: Saavik gives Spock a lesson he had never learned. Spock wishes she didn't.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Spock
Genre: Drama, Het, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations, Graphic Het
Series: Absolute Horizon
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3351    Read Count: 2005
[Report This] Published: 22 Jun 2009 Updated: 22 Jun 2009
Prime Directive by Rocky    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (3
Summary: Starfleet's most cherished tenet, which every captain is sworn to obey...
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Ensemble Cast - VOY, Janeway, Kathryn
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 6775    Read Count: 1807
[Report This] Published: 21 Jun 2009 Updated: 21 Jun 2009
Turn Back Time by SLWalker    Rated: K    Liked  Reviews (7
Summary: (2293) - Written for InfiniteViking; McCoy reflects. Post Star Trek: VI character piece.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: McCoy, Leonard (Bones)
Genre: General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 458    Read Count: 1235
[Report This] Published: 19 Jun 2009 Updated: 19 Jun 2009
Admiral's Personal Log by LJC    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (1
Summary: The letter Tom Paris never received from Owen Paris in "Hunters."
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Paris, Tom
Genre: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1541    Read Count: 2170
[Report This] Published: 19 Jun 2009 Updated: 19 Jun 2009
The Steep and Thorny Way by LJC    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (2
Summary: Noah Lessing remarks upon his first few weeks aboard.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Ensemble Cast - VOY
Genre: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 4396    Read Count: 2103
[Report This] Published: 19 Jun 2009 Updated: 19 Jun 2009
A Thousand Words for Snow by LJC    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (3
Summary: Vulcans have no word for "lover".
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Spock (Quinto), Uhura, Nyota (Saldana)
Genre: Drama, Het, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1066    Read Count: 1645
[Report This] Published: 19 Jun 2009 Updated: 19 Jun 2009
Summary: Her first month aboard Enterprise, Gaila is put on Gamma Shift in Engineering.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Alternate Original Series
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple, Gaila
Genre: Drama, Friendship, General, Het, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1298    Read Count: 1786
[Report This] Published: 19 Jun 2009 Updated: 19 Jun 2009