Go beyond the Universal Translator to read--and hear--about the Cardassian language designed by Nerys Ghemor for Sigils and Unions and its subseries, Catacombs of Oralius.
Written from a largely in-universe perspective, lessons will be added as I find time to write explanations and record the accompanying audio (which is hosted here on the Ad Astra forum--please note that you must be a registered member of the forum in good standing to hear the audio!).
And your first lesson: Kiba'avzayn ta'aboun-cor means "good tidings from friends" in Federation Standard.
Publicly-available grammatical work has ENDED. While I will continue to leave the existing material available, the fact that the language is now being adopted by others outside the Sigils and Unions universe has led me to keep all actual grammatical information to myself so that I am the only one who can generate authentic words and phrases.
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Categories: Meta, Essays and Everything Else
Characters: None
Genre: None
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: Sigils and Unions Background Information
Completed: Yes Word count: 1748 Read Count: 8019