A vicious civil war erupted within the Rihannsu Star Empire, its people divided by those who would wish to wage peace with the Federation, and those who would rather stand without them. But, when the calm is restored, the Empire finds themselves in the worst military stance that they could imagine.
With most of their fleets destroyed and 3.1 billion Rihannsu dead throughout the Empire, coupled with the 2.3 billion killed or assimilated by the Borg the year before, their strength has wavered and fallen.
And the word has gotten out.
With the Klingon Empire, Kzinti Hegemony, Torhie Unity, and Zentrons pressing the borders, and revolts continuing as the liberalists vie for peace, the Empire is in shambles.
And now reports are flooding in of lone Dominion ships haunting Rihannsu space.
When Tal Shair operative Tylar tr’Lagga uncovers a Dominion plot to lay waste to the Rihannsu Empire, the Rihannsu people must call upon the Khellian Squad and their own courage and fight to hold their Empire together, face the terror that lurks within the heart of the Empire itself, and win the battle that could very well prevent their undoing.
Rheh en, potlhbe'chugh yay qatlh pe’eghlu?
After all, if winning is not important, then why keep score?
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: Tales of the Dominion
Completed: No Word count: 12061 Read Count: 443812