McCoy, Leonard (Bones)
There May Yet Be Hope by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (1

Break out the ashtrays, Nayo is back. It's been nine years since Spock took in his nephew D'Gar, and the time has come for the boy to finally meet his father. The final chapter includes cameos by two ST:TNG characters. 

Image courtesy of

there may yet be hope photo 05dfd2ee-0240-431b-bd32-06133c9f3664_zpsxaq6yf7e.jpg

Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock, T'Naisa Brandt
Genre: Angst, Family
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10851    Read Count: 13022
[Report This] Published: 08 May 2015 Updated: 08 May 2015
The Kiss by M C Pehrson, Carol Johnson    Rated: K+      Reviews (2

Captain Christopher Pike was very different from Spock's new commanding officer. And now Spock must also adjust to a sharp-tongued CMO named McCoy. Will a shipboard party promote friendly relations? Conversation and cake. What could possibly go wrong? (Written for April's "Minor Ailment" challenge).

Image courtesy of

the kiss photo 72141f6d-a08f-48a0-907d-b831f2ef57d6_zpsb8v2g0wt.jpg

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock, Uhura, Nyota
Genre: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: April Challenge - Minor Ailments
Series: The Black Hole
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2490    Read Count: 1299
[Report This] Published: 23 Apr 2015 Updated: 23 Apr 2015
Second Born by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (1

A menacing stranger intrudes upon Spock's life, bringing strange revelations and unprecedented changes. 

Image courtesy of

second born photo nayo_zpsih4f1buq.jpg

Chapters: 4    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: McCoy, Leonard (Bones), S'chn T'gai, Tess, Spock, T'Naisa Brandt
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family
Warnings: Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 29463    Read Count: 5869
[Report This] Published: 03 Apr 2015 Updated: 03 Apr 2015
On the Steps of Mount Seleya by M C Pehrson    Rated: K      Reviews (0

A poem first published in a fanzine of the 1980's following "The Search for Spock".  It has since undergone some rewriting. 

Image from

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Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Angst, Friendship
Warnings: None
Series: The Black Hole
Completed: Yes    Word count: 514    Read Count: 882
[Report This] Published: 13 Mar 2015 Updated: 13 Mar 2015
To Absent Friends by TemplarSora    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (5
Summary: Set at the end of Star Trek VI, Kirk and crew say goodbye...
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Scott, Montgomery (Scotty), Spock
Genre: Family
Warnings: None
Challenges: February Challenge - Overcoming a Calamity
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2085    Read Count: 1163
[Report This] Published: 01 Mar 2015 Updated: 01 Mar 2015
For the Love of a Good Woman by Lil black dog    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (3


This is a follow-on to my free write ‘Sink or Swim – Young McCoy’ and takes place a few weeks later.  Lenny and Joss were so different, so just what did he do to win her heart?  To his mind it was the events of this, their first date, that sealed the deal.


Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: McCoy, Leonard (Bones)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: February Challenge - Overcoming a Calamity
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3279    Read Count: 1118
[Report This] Published: 28 Feb 2015 Updated: 28 Feb 2015
Phantoms by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (0

Another story in the Star Trek: Beyond series. Jim Kirk returns from the Nexus a changed man. Will the continuing lure of that fantasy world prove too much for him?

Image courtesy of cooee at

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Chapters: 3    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Next Generation, Expanded Universes
Characters: Guinan, Kirk, Antonia Cordova, Kirk, James T., Kirk, Tru, McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Pascal, Aaron, S'chn T'gai, James, Spock, T'Beth, T'Naisa Brandt
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12046    Read Count: 4461
[Report This] Published: 15 Jan 2015 Updated: 16 Jan 2015
Times of Trouble by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (0

A story in the ongoing Star Trek: Beyond series. After a brush with death, Spock seems changed, and his inexplicable behavior challenges both him and his family.

Cover image from TrekCore.

vulcan tears photo spockpossibleVulcanTears_zpseac7ac1e.jpg

Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), S'chn T'gai, James, Sarek, Spock, T'Beth, T'Naisa Brandt
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11957    Read Count: 2900
[Report This] Published: 08 Nov 2014 Updated: 08 Nov 2014
Smooth Runs the Water by logicallyillogical    Rated: T      Reviews (1
Summary: Sent to Nimbus III on the USS Grissom on an errand of diplomacy, Sarek has a chance encounter with a Klingon, Councilor Gorkon. Before he can get very far in negotiations, however, Sarek is forced to return to Vulcan upon the unexpected death of his son by Khan's hands.

As he struggles to understand the moral implications of the Genesis Project, Gorkon decides to accompany Sarek and Amanda back to Vulcan -- even as the Klingon Empire prepares for war.

And then there is Curzon Dax: a young man coming to Vulcan in the midst of an identity crisis. Paradoxically he is old enough to remember 150 years of one Vulcan's family history, and unlike Sarek and Amanda, he doesn't feel especially honor bound by Vulcan cultural taboos to keep his mouth shut.

During their strange time together, Gorkon's unexpected wisdom leads to some revelations concerning Sarek's relationship with Spock and his opinions of Spock's bondmate, and it helps guide Sarek's actions as he makes plans to visit Jim on Earth.
Chapters: 10    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes, Original Series, Crossovers
Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple, Grayson, Amanda, Kamarag, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Sarek, Spock
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Friendship, General, IDIC, Romance, Slash, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death
Series: Tapestry
Completed: No    Word count: 37798    Read Count: 20464
[Report This] Published: 30 Mar 2014 Updated: 10 Oct 2014
some text

Chronologically, Awakening begins in the year 2276 after the V'Ger Incident and nearly a decade before the events of the return of Khan Noonien Singh in late 2285. The entirety of it takes place within the span of one day, and is told through the various viewpoints of each character. Awakening is written as a foundation for future stories, establishing character history and personal perspective.

This story relates Saavik's early experiences and impressions after being rescued by Spock on Hellguard in 2274 at age ten. After nearly a year on Dantria IV, Saavik is taken to Vulcan to live with his parents as her legal guardians. Spock is forced by duty to leave her behind as he continues to serve aboard the Enterprise. Saavik's story is told in tandem with Spock 's through his long distance relationship with her from space.

Through personal memories of struggle from each of their pasts, a new shared history will unfold. Both of them will be trying to make sense of their lives; Saavik to her adjustment into civilized Vulcan society and Spock as he adjusts to dealing with his parents and protégé, finding himself at odds with strict cultural traditions that still bear grim recollections. Interactions on board the Enterprise are also explored, and it becomes apparent that even old friends can get on each other's nerves.

Although the main storyline is serious, there are many lighter humorous moments as well.


-- Chapter 3 has been reworked to reflect a more accurate description of Vulcan geography and water reverence.

-- Chapter 12 has been expanded with details about Saavik's first day on Vulcan.

-- Dialogue has been updated in chapters 3, 6, 7 & 9 to be more true in regards to translation and cultural formality.

-- Chapter 17 is posted, with Chapter 18 on the way!

Chapters: 18    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Grayson, Amanda, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Saavik, Sarek, Spock
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Friendship, IDIC
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: None
Completed: No    Word count: 30597    Read Count: 31309

[Report This] Published: 27 Sep 2014 Updated: 09 Oct 2014
Have You Not Loved Me by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (0

On Vulcan, T'Naisa Brandt's brush with death awakens Spock's love for her, but will she betray him again?

Cover image from TrekCore.

have you not loved me photo seleyahaveyounotlovedmeoragreatergood_zps2ff7e88a.jpg


Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Pascal, Aaron, S'chn T'gai, James, Spock, T'Naisa Brandt
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Mystery, Romance
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10274    Read Count: 2888
[Report This] Published: 25 Sep 2014 Updated: 26 Sep 2014
The Long Road Home by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (0

In "The Knowing" stories, Earth changes brought Spock and his family to Phoenix, where young Sobek joined them when his father died. "Seventh Inning" showed why Sobek became disillusioned with Spock and the Yanashites. Now, a senseless act of violence disrupts Spock's family and shatters his faith in the Shiav.

Image courtesy of greyerbaby at

    the long road home photo 8dc1f6e5-4b61-4d07-98c9-76b69dad8a20_zps01261581.jpg

Chapters: 3    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Fielding, Lauren, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Pascal, Aaron, S'chn T'gai, James, S'chn T'gai, Simon, Spock, T'Beth, T'Naisa Brandt
Genre: Angst, Family, Friendship, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 16229    Read Count: 4726
[Report This] Published: 26 Aug 2014 Updated: 28 Aug 2014
Turn Not Your Eyes From Me by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (0

Spock is home from Vulcan. His daughter T'Beth is engaged to be married. Jim Kirk and his wife have a baby on the way. All too quickly the best of times can change into the worst of times...when calamity strikes.

Image courtesy of portibal at

turn not your eyes from me photo portibal--maybeturnnotyoureyesfromme_zps529a783d.jpg

Chapters: 3    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Fielding, Lauren, Kirk, Antonia Cordova, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Pascal, Aaron, Spock, T'Beth
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11395    Read Count: 5477
[Report This] Published: 31 Jul 2014 Updated: 02 Aug 2014
Trouble on Deck Five by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (6

A short story in mini-chapters. Read what happens when a little bit of trouble visits our favorite officers on deck five of the Enterprise.

This title nagged at me for 30 years, and finally here is a tale to go with it. The timeframe is post ST: The Final Frontier. This piece of fluff rightly belongs after "Doppelgangers" in my Star Trek: Beyond series, but it is just too frivolous, so I'm sticking it in The Black Hole with all the other misfits. 

Cover image by Patrick Edwin Moran at Wikipedia.

      photo wolfspiderWikipedia_zpsf54eb04a.jpg 

Chapters: 5    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Fielding, Lauren, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Scott, Montgomery (Scotty), Spock, Sulu, Hikaru, Uhura, Nyota
Genre: Humor
Warnings: None
Series: The Black Hole
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3029    Read Count: 8334
[Report This] Published: 24 Jul 2014 Updated: 24 Jul 2014
Burn-E Gets a Headache by logicallyillogical    Rated: M      Reviews (0
Summary: Jim and Spock haven't got the first clue what their relationship is doing to Dr. McCoy, whose life is an ongoing exercise in futility.

Because Jim is Wall-E, Spock is Eve...and McCoy is Burn-E, the most underappreciated robot in the entire galaxy.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Alternate Original Series, Alternate Universes
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Alternate Universe, Friendship, Humor, Slash
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1794    Read Count: 1420
[Report This] Published: 13 Jul 2014 Updated: 13 Jul 2014
Hidden Truths by Lil black dog, Gatekeeper    Rated: K+    Liked  Reviews (5

When the Endurance encounters a terrifyingly strong unseen enemy while on a routine patrol, Commander Dar Thavalan, the ship’s CMO, is forced to take command.  Severely injured in the ensuing firefight, she is nursed back to health by a newly-minted Starfleet doctor.

 She is determined to have Starfleet Command investigate the incident and identify the unknown assailant in order to protect other Federation vessels from this invisible foe, but Command is just as determined to sweep the entire incident under the rug.

Written for the TToT 2014 Collaboration Station.


Chapters: 2    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Thavalan, Dar (Dee)
Genre: Drama, Friendship
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10815    Read Count: 3194
[Report This] Published: 22 Jun 2014 Updated: 22 Jun 2014
The Time Will Come by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (0

Still estranged, Kirk and Spock meet at last and must work together to secure the Gorkon Peace Initiative. Will there also be peace between them?

This is a slightly different spin on ST: The Undiscovered Country, in keeping with the ongoing events in my Star Trek: Beyond series. 

Cover image from TrekCore.

the time will come photo tuchd2109_zpsf51c1f3e.jpg

Chapters: 3    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Fielding, Lauren, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Friendship
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11286    Read Count: 4416
[Report This] Published: 18 Jun 2014 Updated: 18 Jun 2014
Thy Name is My Enemy by CaptainSarine    Rated: K      Reviews (12
Summary: Book One of the Star Trek: Federation series

Centuries ago, Captain James T. Kirk of the Federation starship Enterprise encountered a group of aliens representing the Kelvan Empire, a vast interstellar nation based in the Andromeda Galaxy. Now, years after that first encounter, the Federation is ready to return the favour...

The USS Pioneer: first ship of her class, equipped with a revolutionary foldspace drive that makes possible the opening of a new frontier, intergalactic travel. On the eve of the four hundred year anniversary of a Federation that now spans all four quadrants, Pioneer prepares to launch a mission to the Andromeda galaxy. Captained by Marta Soong, Starfleet’s first Orion commanding officer, the crew of Pioneer are ready for anything in order to complete their mission.

But when underlying tensions explode in a deadly attack on Pioneer, the ship finds itself stranded in another galaxy with a damaged foldspace drive and no apparent way home. So when the ship picks up what appears to be a Federation comm signal coming for a nearby system, they set out looking for help. But Pioneer will soon discover that a friendly name may hide a deadly enemy...
Chapters: 4    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Humor, IDIC, Mystery, Other
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: Federation
Completed: No    Word count: 7930    Read Count: 7782
[Report This] Published: 25 May 2014 Updated: 12 Jun 2014
The Center Seat by M C Pehrson    Rated: K+      Reviews (2

Did you ever wonder how color re-entered the bland world of Starfleet after ST:TMP? This story was written to address that issue, as well as a helpful critique by Trekfan regarding Spock and Sulu's relationship in "Cristabeth" (which now follows this one in my Star Trek:Beyond series). I have also made appropriate adjustments in "Cristabeth". 

Cover image from TrekCore.

the center seat photo thecenterseat_zps428ed7dc.jpg

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock, Sulu, Hikaru
Genre: Friendship, General, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 2149    Read Count: 1448
[Report This] Published: 02 Jun 2014 Updated: 02 Jun 2014
Twilight by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (1

Spock and his wife Lauren are no longer fugitives. The saga continues back on Earth as they face the consequences of their actions, while Captain Kirk battles his own demons. 

Cover image from TrekCore.

twilight photo kirkdrinks--twilight_zpsd1ef9921.jpg

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Fielding, Lauren, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock, T'Beth
Genre: Angst, Drama, Friendship
Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 4291    Read Count: 1254
[Report This] Published: 26 May 2014 Updated: 26 May 2014
Cooking Up A Storm by M C Pehrson    Rated: K+      Reviews (10

Is Doctor McCoy having a little too much fun cooking dinner?

Written for the 2014 Ficlet Flashdance, and closely associated with my Star Trek: Beyond story, "In The Interest Of Peace".

Image courtesy of Apolonia at

     Cooking up a storm photo Apolonia_zps0b17f348.jpg

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Friendship, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: The Black Hole
Completed: Yes    Word count: 498    Read Count: 1020
[Report This] Published: 24 May 2014 Updated: 24 May 2014
Great Expectations by Lil black dog    Rated: K      Reviews (96

A view of Chapel, on her first day aboard the Enterprise, through the eyes of the seven main characters in TOS.

This will serve as a companion piece to my story "One Small Step," which details Chapel's first day as a member of the crew of the Enterprise.

 photo GreatExpectations_zps6aaa866a.png

Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Chapel, Christine, Chekov, Pavel, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Scott, Montgomery (Scotty), Spock, Sulu, Hikaru, Uhura, Nyota
Genre: Friendship, General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Completed: Yes    Word count: 3372    Read Count: 13308
[Report This] Published: 19 May 2014 Updated: 24 May 2014
Down Time by M C Pehrson    Rated: K+      Reviews (10

Kirk and Spock enjoy a quiet evening while off-duty.

Written for the TT0T14 Ficlet Flashdance, and is not part of my Star Trek: Beyond series. 

Cover image from TrekCore.

    down time photo thegalileosevenhd705_zps87444f12.jpg

Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Friendship, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: The Black Hole
Completed: Yes    Word count: 485    Read Count: 1202
[Report This] Published: 22 May 2014 Updated: 22 May 2014
Deadly Intent by M C Pehrson    Rated: T      Reviews (0

A story in the Star Trek: Beyond series. It has been two years since the Donari mission. Now a landing party mishap becomes the basis for a court-martial, and Spock faces imprisonment at the notorious Luna Penitentiary.

Cover image from Facebook "Moonscape" community. Artist unknown. (If you are the artist, please contact me.)

 photo eafb72e3-6f12-45f6-9c77-7111a979211d_zpsef4649be.jpg

Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Expanded Universes
Characters: Fielding, Lauren, Kirk, James T., Marcus, Carol, McCoy, Leonard (Bones), S'chn T'gai, Simon, Sarek, Scott, Montgomery (Scotty), Spock, T'Beth
Genre: Drama, Family, General
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: Beyond
Completed: Yes    Word count: 34279    Read Count: 13610
[Report This] Published: 29 Apr 2014 Updated: 29 Apr 2014
Summary: Serving on the Enterprise under James T. Kirk is an awful lot like riding an express elevator to Hell, going down. Nothing ever seems to go quite according to plan. There's canceled shore leave to cope with, a crazy boss to work with, religious fanatics to outwit, Klingons to battle, and a transporter system that refuses to work no matter how hard you stroke its subroutines. Fortunately the hometown hero of Boring, Oregon can handle anything that the universe throws his way. He is, after all, Mr. Adventure...

A follow up story to "Mr. Adventure's Wild Adventure" -- aka a story about what happened to that one Lieutenant in the transporter room in The Search For Spock after the movie credits rolled.
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series
Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Scott, Montgomery (Scotty), Spock, Uhura, Nyota
Genre: Action/Adventure, Humor, Slash
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: Tapestry
Completed: Yes    Word count: 8782    Read Count: 1329
[Report This] Published: 29 Apr 2014 Updated: 29 Apr 2014