Reviewer: PSGarak Signed
Date: 07 Aug 2009
Title: Chapter 1: Exits in the Haze
Now I see what you were talking about with what he went through. I definitely felt for him, and his love for his child, despite her mother, is inspiring. Some blame the children when they have been traumatized in this way, even while feeling horrible for it. I'm glad it didn't go that way for him. Very touching story.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much for your kind words.
I am always particularly...concerned about how my male readers will perceive this, because admittedly, there ARE some points I am trying to make. One--his strength. Something truly horrific happened to him, but he's a strong person. And two--yes, people talk about the mother-child bond as if a man will always experience something weaker than that, but that is oh, so NOT the case.
Dukat's beliefs very much play into the way he feels towards Ziyal. It should not surprise you that a man of his belief believes that life begins at the moment of conception and must be guarded from that moment forward. Basically...if he'd been a woman, I believe that he would have kept the child because of that belief. As a man, even though he has not carried Ziyal, he believes that fatherhood is not something he can turn his back on. Another you saw, he tried to kill himself. Not long after that, he found out Vedek Tora was pregnant. In a lot of ways, he sees Ziyal's birth as a sign from Oralius that this is not his time...he has a reason and a purpose to live, even though things have become so outright horrible for him. Finally (and PERHAPS this is a particularly masculine motivation), by being able to escape with Ziyal, he is able to take sole control over her upbringing...he completely thwarts everything Vedek Tora was trying to do to Ziyal. There's even an element of--not sure "revenge" is the right word for it (given that this Dukat is not particularly vengeful, like the canon version is), but it's the only one I seem to find right now. When he would sneak in to take care of Ziyal at night, even before he was the one brief period in his bleak days in captivity when he got to assert control (though again, BIG difference between this sort of benevolent control and the awful things canon Dukat did).