[Reviews - 5] Printer
Summary: Photobucket

The final chapter of this story. Am I coming home?
Rated: T
Categories: Crossovers Characters: Ensemble Cast - Multiple
Genre: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 38 Completed: Yes
Word count: 39043 Read: 124123
Published: 10 Jan 2011 Updated: 04 Jan 2013

1. This really happened... by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (248 words)
Robert, the crazy Star Trek fiction writer (me in other words) falls through a rip in the fabric of the universe and..well..ends up on the USS Enterprise; and it really happened!

2. my STAR TREK: "Blink of an Eye" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (441 words)

3. my STAR TREK: "The Last of Me" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (852 words)

4. my STAR TREK: "Waste Extraction" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (634 words)

5. my STAR TREK: "The Intruder" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 2] (805 words)

6. my STAR TREK: "Fascinating" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (723 words)

7. my STAR TREK: "Conditioning" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 2] (1032 words)

8. my STAR TREK: "Continuum Helium" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (901 words)

9. my STAR TREK: "My Deepest Thoughts?" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (693 words)

10. my STAR TREK: "A Mylanta Moment" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (945 words)

11. my STAR TREK: "Natural Reaction!" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (659 words)

12. my STAR TREK: "a WTF moment!" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (1058 words)

13. my STAR TREK "Who Is Sleeping in My Bed?" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (552 words)

14. my STAR TREK: "The Apple" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (784 words)

15. my STAR TREK: "Apples and Whips" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (729 words)

16. my STAR TREK "Simplicity" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (1037 words)

17. my STAR TREK: "Corporal Punishment" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (1502 words)

18. my STAR TREK: "Sonic Power" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (691 words)

19. My Star Trek: "Would You Skywalker the Truth?" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (909 words)

20. My Star Trek: "The Vulcanian Hobgoblin" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (741 words)

21. my Star Trek: "No better than Bacon" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (691 words)

22. my Star Trek: "Way of the Warrior!" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (700 words)

23. My Star Trek: "Yoda says Try! Quark says Run! by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (619 words)

24. my Star Trek: "Snowballs and Spongebob" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (788 words)

25. my Star Trek: "Ahhhh..Dax" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (737 words)

26. my Star Trek: "Future Forks" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (871 words)

27. my Star Trek: "Hollow Sensuality" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (774 words)

28. my Star Trek: "Dizzy" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (618 words)

29. my Star Trek; The World isn't Hollow; Its filled with Teats! by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (719 words)

30. my STAR TREK: "TSA Agent: Garak" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (757 words)

31. my STAR TREK : Shades of Gray by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (514 words)

32. my STAR TREK : Your Star Trek by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (895 words)

33. my INTERVIEW WITH: "Rebecca Sisko" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (1292 words)
Rebecca Sisko appears with the permission of Robert Scorpio.

34. my INTERVIEW WITH: "Dr. Veronica West" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (2026 words)

35. my INTERVIEW WITH: "Spirodopoulos" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (2749 words)

36. my INTERVIEW WITH: "Kira Nerys" by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (4226 words)
Kira Nerys appears in LN X's "SURVIVAL"

37. my interview with: ALEX by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 1] (2771 words)
Q assigns a new interview for Robert...a most interesting young man named Alex...

38. My STAR TREK: Qend by RobertScorpio [Reviews - 0] (1360 words)