Summary: Captain Morgan Bateson, the Legacy-Class U.S.S. Vonnegut and her crew encounter a planet of DY-era survivors that doesn't make any sense.
Rated: K+
Categories: Expanded Universes Characters: None
Genre: Mystery
Warnings: Adult Situations
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 4091 Read: 11039
Published: 25 Dec 2010 Updated: 25 Dec 2010
1. Chapter 1 by Jason Thompson-Hauck [Reviews - 0] (740 words)
2. Chapter 2 by Jason Thompson-Hauck [Reviews - 0] (756 words)
3. Chapter 3 by Jason Thompson-Hauck [Reviews - 0] (431 words)
4. Chapter 4 by Jason Thompson-Hauck [Reviews - 0] (624 words)
5. Chapter 5 by Jason Thompson-Hauck [Reviews - 0] (897 words)
6. Chapter 6 by Jason Thompson-Hauck [Reviews - 0] (643 words)