[Reviews - 52] LikedPrinter
Summary: Enabran Tain, ambitious, ruthless, and yet not without hidden weaknesses, wants nothing more than to rise to the very top of Cardassian intelligence, the Obsidian Order. On a road paved with deadly obstacles, how will he succeed, and will he destroy those closest to him in the process?
Rated: T
Categories: Deep Space Nine, Expanded Universes Characters: Ensemble Cast - DS9, Ensemble Cast - Multiple, Tain, Enabran
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Tain Rising
Chapters: 19 Completed: Yes
Word count: 43599 Read: 70740
Published: 04 Aug 2009 Updated: 24 Sep 2009
Story Notes:
The first chapter of this story was co-winner of the July Trek BBS challenge. I enjoyed writing it enough that I felt I wanted to return to the character of Tain and his indomitable housekeeper, Mila, and explore the complex dynamics that would eventually lead to the shaping of one of the most mysterious characters in Star Trek history, Elim Garak.

1. His Strongest Weakness by PSGarak [Reviews - 5] Liked (1829 words)

2. Persuasion Part I by PSGarak [Reviews - 4] Liked (3432 words)

3. Going Black by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1548 words)

4. Persuasion Part II by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1634 words)

5. Becoming by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (1561 words)
The quote that opens this chapter is from the DS9 episode "Our Man Bashir".

6. Tendrils of Love by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2085 words)
The text for the opening ritual of the Oralian Way is not mine but from the novel "Worlds of Deep Space Nine Volume One- Cardassia: The Lotus Flower".

7. Viper's Den by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (4730 words)

8. Opening Gambit by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2773 words)

9. Setting the Hook by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (2426 words)

10. Angel I by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (2571 words)

11. Harsh Elements by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2210 words)

12. Regrouping by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (1401 words)

13. Point of No Return by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (3140 words)

14. Blaze of Glory by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1888 words)

15. Playing the Game by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (2271 words)

16. Fruits of Labor by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] Liked (1188 words)

17. Sleg by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1350 words)
The name "Sleg" for the infant Elim Garak comes from "A Stitch in Time" by Andrew J. Robinson.

18. Under Cover of Darkness by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2289 words)

19. Purge by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] Liked (3273 words)