Rated: T
Categories: Deep Space Nine, Expanded Universes Characters: Ensemble Cast - DS9, Ensemble Cast - Multiple, Tain, Enabran
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Tain Rising
Chapters: 19 Completed: Yes
Word count: 43599 Read: 70740
Published: 04 Aug 2009 Updated: 24 Sep 2009
1. His Strongest Weakness by PSGarak [Reviews - 5] (1829 words)
2. Persuasion Part I by PSGarak [Reviews - 4] (3432 words)
3. Going Black by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1548 words)
4. Persuasion Part II by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1634 words)
5. Becoming by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (1561 words)
The quote that opens this chapter is from the DS9 episode "Our Man Bashir".
6. Tendrils of Love by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2085 words)
The text for the opening ritual of the Oralian Way is not mine but from the novel "Worlds of Deep Space Nine Volume One- Cardassia: The Lotus Flower".
7. Viper's Den by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (4730 words)
8. Opening Gambit by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2773 words)
9. Setting the Hook by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (2426 words)
10. Angel I by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (2571 words)
11. Harsh Elements by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2210 words)
12. Regrouping by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (1401 words)
13. Point of No Return by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (3140 words)
14. Blaze of Glory by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1888 words)
15. Playing the Game by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (2271 words)
16. Fruits of Labor by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1188 words)
17. Sleg by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (1350 words)
The name "Sleg" for the infant Elim Garak comes from "A Stitch in Time" by Andrew J. Robinson.
18. Under Cover of Darkness by PSGarak [Reviews - 2] (2289 words)
19. Purge by PSGarak [Reviews - 3] (3273 words)