[Reviews - 4] LikedPrinter
Past Featured StorySummary: Time is the one thing no one has in abundance. But this bitter truth is easy to forget.
Rated: K
Categories: Original Series Characters: Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Friendship, Slash, Tragedy
Warnings: Character Death
Challenges: None
Series: Absolute Horizon
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 4612 Read: 1891
Published: 24 Apr 2009 Updated: 24 Apr 2009
Story Notes:
This story might appear totally out of context. It is a part of a broader storyline, part of which is Absolute Horizon. Major parts of it are not yet written or exist as sketches only. This storyline suggests that there had been a second five-year mission after V’Ger and that Kirk and Spock’s relationship over the years had experienced a lot of turbulence and bad weather, as well as better times. Also, since this story messes up the ‘official’ sequence of events and chronology, it may be considered an AU, if that is your preference. Nothing happy here, I’m afraid. Nothing special either, just a sentimental drawing.

1. Chapter 1 by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 4] Liked (4612 words)