Episode 26 - Rain Over Rising Sun - As the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire begin to work more closely on the Saketh project, a terrorist plot is underway on the Federation colony of Rising Sun...
Episode 27 - Sword of Destiny - Tensions between the three great powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants reach a flashpoint...
Episode 28 - The Covenant - The haunting conclusion to the Star Trek Hunter series... Hint - think BORG...
Rated: T
Categories: Expanded Universes,
Next Generation,
Deep Space Nine,
Voyager Characters: Bashir, Julian,
Crusher, Wesley,
Doctor, The,
La Forge, Geordi,
Picard, Jean-Luc,
Riker, William,
Genre: Action/Adventure,
HumorWarnings: Adult Language,
Character Death,
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 63
Completed: No
Word count: 55815
Read: 99866
Published: 22 Apr 2021
Updated: 01 Sep 2021
1. Episode 26.1: Rain Over Rising Sun - Medicine for the Soul by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1104 words)
Dr. Carerra desperately needs the companionship of friends and finds it aboard the Pagh Kez'bal...
2. Episode 26.2: Rain Over Rising Sun - Transplanting Saketh by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1400 words)
Is it possible to lift an entire biosphere from the ocean-beds to the ozone layer and transplant it from one planet across 1,000 light years to another?
3. Episode 26.3: Rain Over Rising Sun - Ink and Romulan Ale by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1027 words)
Federation President Emory Ivonovic and Romulan Supreme Commander Sela have a heart-to-heart talk...
4. Episode 26: Rain Over Rising Sun by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (731 words)
Introduction by Dr. Kenny Dolphin
5. Episode 26.4: Rain Over Rising Sun - Jet Blue by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(849 words)
Captain Dolphin and Rear Admiral Carerra encounter Minerva's avatar...
6. Episode 26.5: Rain Over Rising Sun - Emory by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(499 words)
Emory Ivonovic aboard the U.S.S. Ark...
7. Episode 26.6: Rain Over Rising Sun - The Mouth of the Lavardorn by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1182 words)
Dr. Carrera's odd task force are united inside the Lavardorn for the first time...
8. Episode 26.7: Rain Over Rising Sun - Xagg by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(316 words)
The head of state for the bolian people considers a request from Captain Dolphin...
9. Episode 26.8: Rain Over Rising Sun - Band on the Run by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1148 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's investigations team pursues suspects in the beautiful city of Soda Toer...
10. Episode 26.9: Rain Over Rising Sun - Dreaming of Canada by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1213 words)
Section 31 agents Johnny Canada, Remma and Shiva meet in a dream. And discover a hidden power of the nikamsitiri...
11. Episode 26.10: Rain Over Rising Sun - The Back Room by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1469 words)
Investigator Eykirros Jones interviews a suspect with terrorist connections...
12. Episode 26.11: Rain Over Rising Sun - Ushi by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(332 words)
The head of state for United Earth Governments, Ushi Irons, meets with the newly promoted head of state for New Romulus on Vulcan...
13. Episode 26.12: Rain Over Rising Sun - Saoron by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(317 words)
Meanwhile, on Andoria, the ancient head of state for the vulcan people in exile is in danger of losing his life...
14. Episode 26.13: Rain Over Rising Sun - Sound Reason by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(607 words)
There is a sound reason behind Ensign Eykirros Jones' interrogation technique...
15. Episode 26.14: Rain Over Rising Sun - Oversight by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1015 words)
Several of the U.S.S. Hunter's crew have been derelict in their duties. Captain Dolphin is not amused...
16. Episode 26.15: Rain Over Rising Sun - Stone Grip by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(337 words)
Meanwhile, deep inside the Gamma Quadrant, a small discovery will start a cascade of events that will tear the Alpha Quadrant apart...
17. Episode 26.16: Rain Over Rising Sun - Maria by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(422 words)
The Federation's first ever Ambassador to the Romulan Star Empire, former Federation President Maria Rodriguez, is aboard Sela's ship...
18. Episode 26.17: Rain Over Rising Sun - Krast by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(400 words)
Another ambassador to the Romulan Star Empire is aboard Sela's ship. And this one is a giant bird...
19. Episode 26.18: Rain Over Rising Sun - The Pink Kimono by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1089 words)
Captain Dolphin interrogates a klingon spy...
20. Episode 26.19: Rain Over Rising Sun - Messick by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(250 words)
The new Vulcan Premiere meets with the Andorian Emperor...
21. Episode 26.20: Rain Over Rising Sun - Martok by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(287 words)
The ancient Klingon Chancellor prepares for another day...
22. Episode 26.21: Rain Over Rising Sun - Council of Dreams by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1911 words)
A summit of the great powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants...
23. Episode 26.22: Rain Over Rising Sun - The Atlas Class by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(489 words)
Billions of bolians stare up into the night sky with telescopes to witness their greatest triumph...
24. Episode 26.23: Rain Over Rising Sun - Satellites by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(882 words)
The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter plan their mission to save the Colony of Rising Sun...
25. Episode 26.24: Rain Over Rising Sun - Starlight by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1298 words)
Starlight Dolphin has a prophetic dream...
26. Episode 26.25: Rain Over Rising Sun - Potato Gun by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(677 words)
A mission on the Potato Moon in orbit of Rising Sun...
27. Episode 26.26: Rain Over Rising Sun - Planetary Defense Grid by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(830 words)
The mission continues aboard the master control satellite for Rising Sun's planetary defense grid...
28. Episode 26.27: Rain Over Rising Sun - Prepare The Way by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1323 words)
On the planet Saketh, the religion of Shiva is changing.. A new manifestation of Shiva has arrived...
29. Episode 26.28: Rain Over Rising Sun - Napoleon by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(474 words)
Vice Admiral Will Riker doesn't like Napoleon....
30. Episode 26.29: Rain Over Rising Sun - The Borg King by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(809 words)
The Borg King ascends...
This is the final scene for Episode 26. The story continues in Episode 27: Sword of Destiny.
31. Episode 27.1: Sword of Destiny - Bat'leth '.' QeyliS by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1407 words)
The great granddaughter of Chancellor K'mpec on a mission to protect Damon Trock from jem'hadar...
32. Episode 27.2: Sword of Destiny - nglp Seng by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1062 words)
Captain Dolphin seeks a way to cloak the U.S.S. Hunter without violating the Khitomer Accords...
33. Episode 27: Sword of Destiny by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(696 words)
Introduction by Ambassador Alexander Rozhinko
34. Episode 27.3: Sword of Destiny - balth qelDI' by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1651 words)
Chancellor Martok accepts a challenge from a pretender...
35. Episode 27.4: Sword of Destiny - lIH by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(704 words)
The new Chancellor of the Klingon Empire makes her intentions known...
36. Episode 27.5: Sword of Destiny - bIsolnIsbe'taH by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1249 words)
An original series klingon wreaks havok on the Colony of Rising Sun...
37. Episode 27.6: Sword of Destiny - vub by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1317 words)
Captain Geordie LaForge and his chief Engineer, Reginald Barclay, have been taken prisoner by the klingons...
38. Episode 27.7: Sword of Destiny - tagh 'oH by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(552 words)
The war begins...
39. Episode 27.8: Sword of Destiny - 'aj by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(726 words)
Commandant Barrett th'Zoarhi has been given a directive - do whatever is necessary to win...
40. Episode 27.9: Sword of Destiny - T'May by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1615 words)
The U.S.S. Enterprise's new captain takes the ship on a desparate journey to escape a bird of prey...
41. Episode 27.10: Sword of Destiny - weq 'ej qet by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1223 words)
Captain Dolphin once again leads a task force of Prowler class ships on a raid...
42. Episode 27.11: Sword of Destiny - yav raD by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(575 words)
Sauron's Orcs are being brought into the fight...
43. Episode 27.12: Sword of Destiny - HIv chegh by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(567 words)
The fighteing intensifies at New Romulus on Vulcan...
44. Episode 27.13: Sword of Destiny - may' tlhop by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(814 words)
President Ivonovic tries to wrap his mind around this war...
45. Episode 27.14: Sword of Destiny - pum Hegh by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1112 words)
Sauron's Orcs receive some much needed help in their battle against the klingons on Rising Sun...
46. Episode 27.15: Sword of Destiny - Qo'noS luchenmoH by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(901 words)
A klingon guard and a romulan engineer work together to save two Star Fleet officers from the ravages of war...
47. Episode 27.16: Sword of Destiny - puv by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(489 words)
On Rising Sun, klingon warriors take to the skies to challenge the nikimsitiri...
48. Episode 27.17: Sword of Destiny - 'ul by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1581 words)
Flight Specialist Jennifer Hopper joins Napoleon in a daring rescue mission on Vulcan...
49. Episode 27.18: Sword of Destiny - 'Iw by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1067 words)
Meanwhile, back on Rising Sun, General Mor'rgoth is being a ripe bastard...
50. Episode 27.19: Sword of Destiny - chal by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(599 words)
Captain LaForge offers flowers to his rescuer...
51. Episode 27.20: Sword of Destiny - jolpat by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(687 words)
The romulan that Jennifer Hopper had set out to rescue come to rescue her... And then there is a lot of pain...
52. Episode 27.21: Sword of Destiny - vIt by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(683 words)
Chancellor Greta seeks the true meaning of victory at the holiest shrine on Vulcan...
53. Episode 27.22: Sword of Destiny - Su' by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(253 words)
This is the final scene for Episode 27. The story concludes with Episode 28: The Covenant.
54. Episode 28: The Covenant by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(795 words)
Introduction by Admiral Katherine Janeway
55. Episode 28.1: The Covenant - Collective Renaissance by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1049 words)
The Borg... They're back...
56. Episode 28.2: The Covenant - King Prometheus by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1749 words)
Please stay tuned for this important announcement...
57. Episode 28.3: The Covenant - The Dolphins of Hawaii by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(778 words)
The Dolphin family has grown...
58. Episode 28.4: The Covenant - Rearranging the Deck Chairs by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1630 words)
Director Section 31 Bashir pretty much puts the entire story together... And expresses no small amount of exasperation about the nature of humanity and its fellow sapients...
59. Episode 28.5: The Covenant - New Assignments by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(969 words)
Kenny Dolphin has a new assignment. So does T'Lon...
60. Episode 28.6: The Covenant - Same As It Ever Was by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(746 words)
The new Director of Section 31 receives yet another assignment - this one from President Ivonovic...
61. Episode 28.7: The Covenant - The Captain of the U.S.S. Hunter by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(303 words)
The Captain of the U.S.S. Hunter takes on a new mission...
62. Episode 28.8: The Covenant - Shall I Brush Your Teeth For You? by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(830 words)
A conversation that clears up the final mystery: How DID Admiral Scumuk know about the Gamma Bursts?
63. Afterword by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(749 words)