[Reviews - 41] LikedPrinter

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Episode 17: Terms of Surrender - Justice Minerva Irons must negotiate the surrender of Vulcan to the Romulan Imperial Senate...

Episode 18: World on Fire - The U.S.S. Hunter travels to a distant world to prevent the Romulan Star Empire from obtaining a particularly dangerous biological weapon...

Episode 19: The Ivonovic Commission - Federation CouncilMember Emory Ivonovic empanels a commission to investigate Star Fleet's culpability in the surrender of Vulcan...

Rated: T
Categories: Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Expanded Universes Characters: Bashir, Julian
Genre: None
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 43 Completed: Yes
Word count: 41432 Read: 37221
Published: 05 Jun 2020 Updated: 26 Oct 2020
Story Notes:


1. Episode 17.1: Terms of Surrender - Sela by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (884 words)

The Supreme Commander of the Romulan Star Navy (and unquestioned leader of the Romulan Star Empire) meets with her advisors to consider their next move...

2. Episode 17: Terms of Surrender by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (661 words)

Introduction to Episode 17: Terms of Surrender by Radovan Ivonovic, Publisher and Editor in Chief for The Good News of New Hope.

3. Episode 17.2: Terms of Surrender - Saoron's Study by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (947 words)

A library of treasured artifacts and books from Vulcan is established in the People's Palace in Laikan, Andoria...

4. Episode 17.3: Terms of Surrender - Vulcana Reger by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (885 words)

Romulan Senate Praetorian Guard Sub-Commander Nikato siezes control of the largest city on Vulcan...

5. Episode 17.4: Terms of Surrender - Facing the Music by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (943 words)

Vulcan High Command Premiere Saoron must face the music in the Andorian Imperial Court..

6. Episode 17.5: Terms of Surrender - Battle Scars by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1365 words)

Kenny Dolphin and T'Lon share a dinner and discuss recent events...

7. Episode 17.6: Terms of Surrender - Prodigal Sum by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1585 words)

Justice Minerva Irons' grandson-in-law, Pomm Irons, has a new ship...

8. Episode 17.7: Terms of Surrender - The Commission by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1060 words)

Federation Council Leader Ushi Irons empanels a commission to study Star Fleet's role in the surrender of Vulcan - and names Councilmember Emory Ivonovic to chair the commission...

9. Episode 17.8: Terms of Surrender - Implant by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (998 words)

Pivin the Betrayer arrives on Vulcan to spy on the romulan occupying force...

10. Episode 17.9: Terms of Surrender - The Pitch by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1745 words)

Justice Minerva Irons reveals her primary goal in the negotiations...

11. Episode 17.10: Terms of Surrender - The Buzz by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1015 words)

Both Sela, Supreme Commander of the Romulan Star Navy and Pivin the Betrayer learn more about the ramafacations of the romulan conquest of Vulcan.

12. Episode 17.11: Terms of Surrender - Planet of the Humans by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (846 words)

As Julian mentioned in Ep 5, and Tauk in Ep 6 and Dolphin in Ep 10, Federation demographics have been really hard to come by over the past decade...

13. Episode 17.12: Terms of Surrender - The Rhythm of Change by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1747 words)

While K'rok presents a concert for the gathered Federation and Romulan Imperial Senate delagates in Yuri Gagaran Memorial Park inside the U.S.S. Milky Way, Pivin the Betrayer has gotten in trouble... This scene is written to emulate a TV program with scenes juxtaposed against the ongoing concert - imagine the music continuing throughout.

14. Episode 17.13: Terms of Surrender - The 14 Points of the Treaty of Yuri Gagarin Memorial Park by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (646 words)

The treaty is signed...  

This is the final scene for Episode 17. The story contines in Episode 18: World on Fire.

15. Episode 18.1: World on Fire - Operation Hermit Crab by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1324 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter has to hide from a massive new class of ship - a romulan battlegod...

16. Episode 18.2: World on Fire - The Slaves of Saketh by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1043 words)

A slave of the Romulan Star Navy reaches out telepathically to one of the U.S.S. Hunter's betazoid crew members.

17. Episode 18.3: World on Fire - The Imperial Romulan Warship Fero by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (548 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter has a close encounter with a battlegod...

18. Episode 18: World on Fire by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (682 words)

Introduction to Episode 18: World on Fire by Pomm Irons, historian, sociologist (and spy runner)

19. Episode 18.4: World on Fire - Signals by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1014 words)

Special Agent Anana Lynarr, on loan to the U.S.S. Hunter from the Trantor Police Intelligence Division, decodes radio messages from a dead civilization...

20. Episode 18.5: World on Fire - Flare Up by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (843 words)

Dr. Moon comes up with a plan for the U.S.S. Hunter to ride a solar flare...

21. Episode 18.6: World on Fire - Gamorlan Ground Mission by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (939 words)

Commander Pepper briefs the U.S.S. Hunter's team on the ground mission plan en-route to the bio-weapon facility...

22. Episode 18.7: World on Fire - The Little Folk by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (869 words)

The away team discovers living Gamorlans! 

23. Episode 18.8: World on Fire - Grilled Possum-Chicken by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (723 words)

Admiral Checkov is interviewed by the Ivonovic Commission about his role in the Surrender of Vulcan.

24. Episode 18.9: World on Fire - Krull the Magnificent by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1144 words)

The mighty Klingon warrior Krull joins the crew of the U.S.S. Hunter in their mission on Gamorlan... and then betrays them...

25. Episode 18.10: World on Fire - Gamorlan Rising by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (851 words)

All hell breaks loose as the U.S.S. Hunter flees the doomed planet Gamorlan...

This is the final scene for Episode 18. The story continues in Episode 19: The Ivonovic Commission.

26. Episode 19.1: The Ivonovic Commission - Bird Hunting by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1436 words)

Justice Minerva Irons has destroyed a planet... and has to search for a missing Klingon Bird of Prey with her 1st and 2nd officers onboard...

27. Episode 19.2: The Ivonovic Commission - The I.K.V. 'Iw Hov by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (797 words)

Commander David Pepper assumes command of a klingon bird of prey...

28. Episode 19.3: The Ivonovic Commission - Emory's Greatest Hits on Subspace Radio Ivonovic by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (728 words)

Federation Council Leader Ushi Irons encourages his rival, Federation CouncilMember Emory Ivonovic, to resume his broadcasts on Subspace Radio Ivonovic...

29. Episode 19: The Ivonovic Commission - Introduction by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (555 words)

Introduction to Episode 19: The Ivonovic Commission by Emperor Sin IV of the Andorian Empire.

30. Episode 19.4: The Ivonovic Commission - The Office of Ushi Irons by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (761 words)

Federation Council Leder Ushi Irons has summoned Federation Councilmember Emory Ivonovic to his office..

31. Episode 19.5: The Ivonovic Commission - Stroke of Luck by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (644 words)

Commander Tali Shae is awakened by a call from her best friend...

32. Episode 19.6: The Ivonovic Commission - Syrtis Major by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1278 words)

The Doctor (Voyager) encounters Old Man Crusher on Mars - an event that forever changes his future and the future of the Alpha Quadrant...

33. Episode 19.7: The Ivonovic Commission - Retreat by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1300 words)

Bad luck... Justice Minerva Irons has suffered a stroke and the search for her missing officers has to be called off...

34. Episode 19.8: The Ivonovic Commission - The Eye by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (955 words)

Section 31 agent Johnny Canada has some questions for Federation CouncilMember Emory Ivonovic... and maybe some answers as well...

35. Episode 19.9: The Ivonovic Commission - Promotion by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (892 words)

Justice Minerva Irons chooses a new 1st officer...

36. Episode 19.10: The Ivonovic Commission - Cocoon by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1379 words)

Emperor Sin IV goes before the Federation Council... And burns down the barn...

37. Episode 19.11: The Ivonovic Commission - High and Dry by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (478 words)

The infamous Dr. Bowman has conspired to keep the U.S.S. Hunter moored in dry dock just as the crew are desperate to return to Romulan space to search for their missing crew members...

38. Episode 19.12: The Ivonovic Commission - Fleet Admiral Miriam Stewart by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1122 words)

Fleet Admiral Miriam Stewart testifies before the Ivonovic Commission...

39. Episode 19.13: The Ivonovic Commission - Medical Discharge by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (494 words)

Federation Councilmember Emory Ivonovic pays a visit to Fleet Admiral Miriam Stewart...

40. Episode 19.14: The Ivonovic Commission - Return to Pern by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (995 words)

Rear Admiral Serge Mykel Chekov and Commander Kenny Dolphin visit the giant waterbirds of Pern - and slip away to conspire...

41. Episode 19.15: The Ivonovic Commission - Subspace Radio Ivonovic Relaunched by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (946 words)

Federation Councilmember Emory Ivonovic, at the behest of Council Leader Ushi Irons, goes back to the format that made him wildly popular with a large segment of the Federation population...

42. Episode 19.16: The Ivonovic Commission - Retirement Planning by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (518 words)

Justice Minerva Irons and Fleet Admiral Miriam Stewart discuss retirement plans...

43. Episode 19.17: The Ivonovic Commission - Hugh Mann by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (847 words)

As the U.S.S. Hunter finally escapes dry dock to return to Romulan space, an ominous stranger appears on the bridge...

This is the final scene for Episode 19. The story continues in PART SEVEN, Episode 20: Survival.