Episode 11 - Intersections and Reunions - The U.S.S. Hunter returns to Earth after its secret mission on the far side of the Romulan Star Empire...
Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle - Justice Minerva Irons is called upon to mediate the selection of a new Emperor for the Andorian Empire...
Episode 13 - The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling - The U.S.S. Hunter travels to the 2nd most highly populated planet in the Federation - an artificially constructed planet with thousands of cities named and designed after various fantasies and mythologies...
Rated: T
Categories: Next Generation,
Deep Space Nine,
Expanded Universes Characters: None
Genre: Action/AdventureWarnings: Adult Language,
Adult Situations,
Character Death,
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 52
Completed: Yes
Word count: 51423
Read: 51909
Published: 19 Apr 2020
Updated: 21 Sep 2020
1. Episode 11.1 - Federation Council Building, Nairobi, Kenya (Part 1 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1652 words)
Important decisions are made at a small meeting among five of the most powerful and notorious people in the Federation...
2. Episode 11 - Intersections and Reunions by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (680 words)
Introduction to Episode 11: Intersections and Reunions by Starlight Dolphin, daughter of Lt. Kenny Dolphin.
3. Episode 11.2 - Federation Council Building (Part 2 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1845 words)
It's a long meeting and critical decisions are made...
4. Episode 11.3 - Medical Office, U.S.S. Hunter by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1167 words)
Navigator Johanna Imex and Ensign Sun Ho Hui must now disclose their new, intimate relationship before the Hunter's Medical Director and First Officer...
5. Episode 11.4 - Star Fleet Headquarters, Dubuque, Iowa by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(770 words)
Lt. Kenneth Dolphin is called on the carpet before Star Fleet's Chief of Staff and Executive Director of Operations...
6. Episode 11.5 - Flight Cabin, B.R. Prophet Motive by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1519 words)
Justice Minerva Irons meets with her granddaughter and grandson-in-law - and the romulan spy they take care of...
7. Episode 11.6 - Central Park, New York City, New York by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(977 words)
Kenny Dolphin is finally reconciled with his daughters, Starlight and River...
8. Episode 11.7 - Daystrom Institute Headquarters, New Eden, Mars by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1522 words)
A meeting of the mathematicians who make the U.S.S. Hunter's zip drive run... Math fight!!
9. Episode 11.8 - Anna's Egg, Bolshoya Neva River, St. Petersburg, Russia by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1997 words)
Lt. Dolphin meets the top two officers in Section 31...
10. Episode 11.9 - Mlady's Cabin, U.S.S. Hunter by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(717 words)
What do you do when your starship decides it needs a girlfriend??
11. Episode 11.10 - Serengeti National Park, Tanzania by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1441 words)
Investigator Buttans Ngumbo goes hunting with his half-sister and her sons across the wilds of Africa...
12. Episode 11.11 - Executive Conference Room, U.S.S. Hunter by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1671 words)
A judge arrives to hear the Tactical Medical Hologram's petition for citizenship in the Federation...
13. Episode 11.12 - The Smith Estate, Kauai Island, Hawaii by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1111 words)
Kenny Dolphin, his daughters and T'Lon visit the Smith family on the most beautiful place on Earth...
14. Episode 11.13 - Ban Bang Chum Tho Fertility Clinic, Surat Thani, Thailand by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(520 words)
Investigator Lynhart Shran and his girlfriend, Belo Cantys visit a fertility clinic...
15. Episode 11.14 - C.D.S. Milithra by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(502 words)
Onboard the Cardassian Defense Ship Milithra, Gul LeMark is about to meet his client...
This is the final scene for Episode 11. The story continues with Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle.
16. Episode 12.1 - Ice Hole by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(793 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's Tactical Squad attempt a rescue at an infamous prison on Andoria...
17. Episode 12.2 - Investigator Shran Walks Into a Bar by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1019 words)
Investigator Lynhart Shran walks into a bar...
18. Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(691 words)
Introduction to Episode 12: Prisoner in the Ice Castle by Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan (popularly known as the father of Spock)
19. Episode 12.3 - Standing Requirements by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(699 words)
Justice Minerva Irons presides over the succession mediation for the Andorian Imperial Dias...
20. Episode 12.4 - Toeing the Line by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(925 words)
Lt. Tauk, the Hunter's Director of Ground Operations and his Assistant Director, 2nd Lt. T'Lon develop a new plan...
21. Episode 12.5 - Canada On Ice by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(766 words)
Special Agent Johnny Canada, Trantor Police Intelligence Division, gets captured...
22. Episode 12.6 - Sister Ship by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(709 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's sister ship, the U.S.S.Prowler, joins the Star Fleet contingent near Andoria...
23. Episode 12.7 - Shran's Aviary by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(445 words)
Investigator Shran has some questions. And is determined to get answers...
24. Episode 12.8 - Red Hot by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(634 words)
Commander Red, a star fighter pilot, boards the U.S.S. Hunter with a very unusual request...
25. Episode 12.9 - Standing Orders by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(495 words)
The continuing trial tests Justice Minerva Irons' endurance...
26. Episode 12.10 - Breaking the Ice by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(796 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's Flight Operations and Ground Operations departments launch a joint attack on a castle made of ice...
27. Episode 12.11 - Battle Over Rings by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1684 words)
Star Fleet and Andorian interceptors clash in orbit of the Andorian home-moon...
28. Episode 12.12 - Daughters of Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(787 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's Tactical Squad makes a daring rescue...
29. Episode 12.13 - Sin Interred by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(665 words)
The heir apparent to the throne is located...
30. Episode 12.14 - See No Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(545 words)
A new heir apparent is found...
31. Episode 12.15 - The Study of Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(649 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's forensic medical specialists conduct an autopsy...
32. Episode 12.16 - Succession Without Representation by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(773 words)
Justice Minerva Irons ejects the House Shav representatives from the mediation...
33. Episode 12.17 - Messaes of Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(810 words)
The new Emperor of Andoria addresses his people....
34. Episode 12.18 - After Action Review by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(713 words)
Justice Minerva Irons and the Hunter's senior officers review the mission.
35. Episode 12.19: Annual Performance Evaluation by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(809 words)
Lt. Dolphin is given his annual performance evaluation - and his rank is adjusted accordingly...
This is the final scene in Episode 12. The story continues with Episode 13 - The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling
36. Episode 13.1 - Homecoming by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(638 words)
Justice Minerva Irons shares a horrible tasting drink with her best friend, Dr. Tali Shae...
37. Episode 13 - The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1061 words)
Introduction to Episode 13: The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling by Kai Kila Xijiana, Spiritual Leader of Bajor
38. Episode 13.2 - Numinor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1368 words)
Kenny Dolphin, T'Lon, Dr. Carrera and Buttans Ngumbo travel with Sif to her hometown of Numinor - one of the 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling...
39. Episode 13.3 - Ba Sing Se by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1241 words)
Justice Minerva Irons returns to a hero's welcome in her hometown of Ba Sing Se...
40. Episode 13.4 - Pern by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1320 words)
Chief Dewayne Guth and Navigator Eli Strahl are on a mission to the City of Pern...
41. Episode 13.5 - Trantor General Hospital by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(629 words)
The happy couple (Investigator Shran and Belo Cantys) have an appointment at Trantor General Hospital...
42. Episode 13.6 - Trantor Metropolitan Museum of Art by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(875 words)
The U.S.S. Hunter's giant first officer leads an expedition to the Trantor Metropolitan Museum of Art...
43. Episode 13.7 - The Homely House, Numinor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1294 words)
Several of the U.S.S. Hunter's crew join Dr. Sif for a dinner at the Homely House in Numinor...
44. Episode 13.8 - The Blue Wraith by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(890 words)
Lynhart Shran has a run-in with Johnny Canada in Numinor...
45. Episode 13.9 - An Imperial Audience by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(552 words)
Federation Councilmember Emory Ivonovic is granted an audience with the new Emperor Sin IV of Andoria...
46. Episode 13.10 - Thumbnail by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1314 words)
Crewmembers of the U.S.S. Hunter have been taken prisoner and are being tortured by Andoria First rebels...
47. Episode 13.11 - Lower Trantor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1017 words)
Investigator Lynhart Shran and Assistant Ground Operations Director 2nd Lt. T'Lon lead a team into Lower Trantor to search for the hostages...
48. Episode 13.12 - The Painted Specter by General Suk Sin Soor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1679 words)
The clue the U.S.S. Hunter's crew needs is in an ancient poem...
49. Episode 13.13 - Cardassian Pepper by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(769 words)
Jarrong has a vision about being rescued...
50. Episode 13.14 - The Assault on th'Istel by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1215 words)
2nd Lt. T'Lon leads a rescue mission to recover her crewmates...
51. Episode 13.15 - Requiem by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(1682 words)
The Chin family and several other large families turn out for the funeral at Ba Sing Se...
52. Episode 13.16 - Imperial Script by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1]
(381 words)
Federation Councilmember Emory Ivonovic receives a cryptic message from Emperor Sin IV of Andoria...
This is the final scene for Episode 13. The story continues in STAR TREK HUNTER - PART FIVE OF NINE (Episodes 14 - 16).