[Reviews - 51] LikedPrinter

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Episode 11 - Intersections and Reunions - The U.S.S. Hunter returns to Earth after its secret mission on the far side of the Romulan Star Empire...


Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle - Justice Minerva Irons is called upon to mediate the selection of a new Emperor for the Andorian Empire...


Episode 13 - The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling - The U.S.S. Hunter travels to the 2nd most highly populated planet in the Federation - an artificially constructed planet with thousands of cities named and designed after various fantasies and mythologies...

Rated: T
Categories: Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Expanded Universes Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 52 Completed: Yes
Word count: 51423 Read: 51963
Published: 19 Apr 2020 Updated: 21 Sep 2020

1. Episode 11.1 - Federation Council Building, Nairobi, Kenya (Part 1 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1652 words)

Important decisions are made at a small meeting among five of the most powerful and notorious people in the Federation...

2. Episode 11 - Intersections and Reunions by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (680 words)

Introduction to Episode 11: Intersections and Reunions by Starlight Dolphin, daughter of Lt. Kenny Dolphin.

3. Episode 11.2 - Federation Council Building (Part 2 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1845 words)

It's a long meeting and critical decisions are made...

4. Episode 11.3 - Medical Office, U.S.S. Hunter by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1167 words)

Navigator Johanna Imex and Ensign Sun Ho Hui must now disclose their new, intimate relationship before the Hunter's Medical Director and First Officer...

5. Episode 11.4 - Star Fleet Headquarters, Dubuque, Iowa by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (770 words)

Lt. Kenneth Dolphin is called on the carpet before Star Fleet's Chief of Staff and Executive Director of Operations...

6. Episode 11.5 - Flight Cabin, B.R. Prophet Motive by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1519 words)

Justice Minerva Irons meets with her granddaughter and grandson-in-law - and the romulan spy they take care of...

7. Episode 11.6 - Central Park, New York City, New York by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (977 words)

Kenny Dolphin is finally reconciled with his daughters, Starlight and River...

8. Episode 11.7 - Daystrom Institute Headquarters, New Eden, Mars by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1522 words)

A meeting of the mathematicians who make the U.S.S. Hunter's zip drive run... Math fight!!

9. Episode 11.8 - Anna's Egg, Bolshoya Neva River, St. Petersburg, Russia by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1997 words)

Lt. Dolphin meets the top two officers in Section 31...

10. Episode 11.9 - Mlady's Cabin, U.S.S. Hunter by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (717 words)

What do you do when your starship decides it needs a girlfriend??

11. Episode 11.10 - Serengeti National Park, Tanzania by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1441 words)

Investigator Buttans Ngumbo goes hunting with his half-sister and her sons across the wilds of Africa...

12. Episode 11.11 - Executive Conference Room, U.S.S. Hunter by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1671 words)

A judge arrives to hear the Tactical Medical Hologram's petition for citizenship in the Federation...

13. Episode 11.12 - The Smith Estate, Kauai Island, Hawaii by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1111 words)

Kenny Dolphin, his daughters and T'Lon visit the Smith family on the most beautiful place on Earth...

14. Episode 11.13 - Ban Bang Chum Tho Fertility Clinic, Surat Thani, Thailand by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (520 words)

Investigator Lynhart Shran and his girlfriend, Belo Cantys visit a fertility clinic...

15. Episode 11.14 - C.D.S. Milithra by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (502 words)

Onboard the Cardassian Defense Ship Milithra, Gul LeMark is about to meet his client...

This is the final scene for Episode 11. The story continues with Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle.

16. Episode 12.1 - Ice Hole by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (793 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's Tactical Squad attempt a rescue at an infamous prison on Andoria...

17. Episode 12.2 - Investigator Shran Walks Into a Bar by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1019 words)

Investigator Lynhart Shran walks into a bar...

18. Episode 12 - Prisoner in the Ice Castle by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (691 words)

Introduction to Episode 12: Prisoner in the Ice Castle by Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan (popularly known as the father of Spock)

19. Episode 12.3 - Standing Requirements by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (699 words)

Justice Minerva Irons presides over the succession mediation for the Andorian Imperial Dias...

20. Episode 12.4 - Toeing the Line by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (925 words)

Lt. Tauk, the Hunter's Director of Ground Operations and his Assistant Director, 2nd Lt. T'Lon develop a new plan...

21. Episode 12.5 - Canada On Ice by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (766 words)

Special Agent Johnny Canada, Trantor Police Intelligence Division, gets captured...

22. Episode 12.6 - Sister Ship by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (709 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's sister ship, the U.S.S.Prowler, joins the Star Fleet contingent near Andoria...

23. Episode 12.7 - Shran's Aviary by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (445 words)

Investigator Shran has some questions. And is determined to get answers...

24. Episode 12.8 - Red Hot by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (634 words)

Commander Red, a star fighter pilot, boards the U.S.S. Hunter with a very unusual request...

25. Episode 12.9 - Standing Orders by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (495 words)

The continuing trial tests Justice Minerva Irons' endurance...

26. Episode 12.10 - Breaking the Ice by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (796 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's Flight Operations and Ground Operations departments launch a joint attack on a castle made of ice...

27. Episode 12.11 - Battle Over Rings by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1684 words)

Star Fleet and Andorian interceptors clash in orbit of the Andorian home-moon...

28. Episode 12.12 - Daughters of Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (787 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's Tactical Squad makes a daring rescue...

29. Episode 12.13 - Sin Interred by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (665 words)

The heir apparent to the throne is located...

30. Episode 12.14 - See No Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (545 words)

A new heir apparent is found...

31. Episode 12.15 - The Study of Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (649 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's forensic medical specialists conduct an autopsy...

32. Episode 12.16 - Succession Without Representation by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (773 words)

Justice Minerva Irons ejects the House Shav representatives from the mediation...

33. Episode 12.17 - Messaes of Sin by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (810 words)

The new Emperor of Andoria addresses his people....

34. Episode 12.18 - After Action Review by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (713 words)

Justice Minerva Irons and the Hunter's senior officers review the mission.

35. Episode 12.19: Annual Performance Evaluation by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (809 words)

Lt. Dolphin is given his annual performance evaluation - and his rank is adjusted accordingly...

This is the final scene in Episode 12. The story continues with Episode 13 - The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling

36. Episode 13.1 - Homecoming by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (638 words)

Justice Minerva Irons shares a horrible tasting drink with her best friend, Dr. Tali Shae...

37. Episode 13 - The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1061 words)

Introduction to Episode 13: The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling by Kai Kila Xijiana, Spiritual Leader of Bajor

38. Episode 13.2 - Numinor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1368 words)

Kenny Dolphin, T'Lon, Dr. Carrera and Buttans Ngumbo travel with Sif to her hometown of Numinor - one of the 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling...

39. Episode 13.3 - Ba Sing Se by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1241 words)

Justice Minerva Irons returns to a hero's welcome in her hometown of Ba Sing Se... 

40. Episode 13.4 - Pern by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1320 words)

Chief Dewayne Guth and Navigator Eli Strahl are on a mission to the City of Pern...

41. Episode 13.5 - Trantor General Hospital by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (629 words)

The happy couple (Investigator Shran and Belo Cantys) have an appointment at Trantor General Hospital...

42. Episode 13.6 - Trantor Metropolitan Museum of Art by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (875 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's giant first officer leads an expedition to the Trantor Metropolitan Museum of Art...

43. Episode 13.7 - The Homely House, Numinor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1294 words)

Several of the U.S.S. Hunter's crew join Dr. Sif for a dinner at the Homely House in Numinor...

44. Episode 13.8 - The Blue Wraith by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (890 words)

Lynhart Shran has a run-in with Johnny Canada in Numinor...

45. Episode 13.9 - An Imperial Audience by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (552 words)

Federation Councilmember Emory Ivonovic is granted an audience with the new Emperor Sin IV of Andoria...

46. Episode 13.10 - Thumbnail by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1314 words)

Crewmembers of the U.S.S. Hunter have been taken prisoner and are being tortured by Andoria First rebels...

47. Episode 13.11 - Lower Trantor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1017 words)

Investigator Lynhart Shran and Assistant Ground Operations Director 2nd Lt. T'Lon lead a team into Lower Trantor to search for the hostages...

48. Episode 13.12 - The Painted Specter by General Suk Sin Soor by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1679 words)

The clue the U.S.S. Hunter's crew needs is in an ancient poem...

49. Episode 13.13 - Cardassian Pepper by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (769 words)

Jarrong has a vision about being rescued...

50. Episode 13.14 - The Assault on th'Istel by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1215 words)

2nd Lt. T'Lon leads a rescue mission to recover her crewmates...

51. Episode 13.15 - Requiem by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1682 words)

The Chin family and several other large families turn out for the funeral at Ba Sing Se...

52. Episode 13.16 - Imperial Script by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (381 words)

Federation Councilmember Emory Ivonovic receives a cryptic message from Emperor Sin IV of Andoria...

This is the final scene for Episode 13. The story continues in STAR TREK HUNTER - PART FIVE OF NINE (Episodes 14 - 16).