[Reviews - 37] LikedPrinter

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PART ONE of NINE (Episodes 1 - 4 of 28)

A doctoral dissertation by an obscure professor of Philosophy at Harvard University exposes a flaw at the heart of the Federation - and rocks the mighty UFP to its core.

These are the stories of the U.S.S. Hunter - a Star Fleet patrol vessel - and its small crew of brilliant misfits who are charged with cleaning up this awful mess…

Episode 1: Flash Forward - A view into the future of Star Trek Hunter (This Episode is a twin of a scene in Episode 20: Surrender.)

Episode 2: The Colony of New Hope - The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter are tasked with the trial of a planetary Governor...

Episode 3: Breakfast Serial - A serial killer strikes and the U.S.S. Hunter's crew are tasked to investigate...

Episode 4: Run to Earth - The U.S.S. Hunter is ambushed on its return to Earth...

Rated: T
Categories: Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Expanded Universes Characters: Crusher, Wesley, La Forge, Geordi
Genre: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Star Trek Hunter
Chapters: 47 Completed: Yes
Word count: 40687 Read: 44778
Published: 20 Jun 2019 Updated: 19 Jul 2021
Story Notes:

This story takes place in the Star Trek universe after the return of the USS Voyager and the destruction of Romulus. It is not alternate timeline. The characters are original, although series characters (Julian Bashir, Wesley Crusher, Will Riker) will make cameo appearances.

1. Episode 1 - Flash Forward (Original Pilot Episode) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1511 words)

Flash Forward is a segment from Year 3 of the Star Trek Hunter Series. It is the same as Episode 20.7 - Survival: The Ghost - but told from Justice Irons' POV instead of Kenny Dolphin's POV.

2. Episode 2.1 - The Black Uniform by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (957 words)

A newly added opening scene.

3. Episode 2: The Colony of New Hope by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (434 words)

Introduction by Dr. Kenny Dolphin

4. Episode 2.2 - Charter Worlds by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] (1055 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter arrives at the Colony of New Hope with orders

5. Episode 2.3 - Pursuit by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] (926 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's crew includes two civilian detectives - contracted to Star Fleet - and they have a suspect to pursue...

6. Episode 2.4 - The Courthouse by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] (1453 words)

Governor Emory Ivonovic (I - VON - no - vitch) is on trial for crimes against the Federation. And the trial goes off the rails...

7. Episode 2.5 - Pinned Down by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1087 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's Director of Ground Operations is pinned down along with most of her staff...

8. Episode 2.6 - Kenneth Dolphin Commanding by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (1330 words)

Five minutes after setting foot on the U.S.S. Hunter for the first time, Lt. Kenny Dolphin, the new Director of Flight Operations, takes command...

9. Episode 2.7 - Pepper Revival by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] (1277 words)

Commander David Pepper awakens folowing a severe beating in a room with three dead bodies...

10. Episode 2.8: The Dampening Generator by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] (539 words)

Investigator Buttons Ngumbo finds the dampening generator  - and about a half-dozen fighters guarding it...

11. Episode 2.9 - Fly By by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (615 words)

Ensign Sun Ho Hui and Chief Flight Specialist Dewayne Guth (rhymes with booth) take the wagon for a fly-by...

12. Episode 2.10 - Rescue by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (586 words)

Investigator Buttans follows up by destroying the jamming device, making it possible for Ensign Sun to beam him and the rest of the away team into the wagon. 2nd Lt. Gamor and Flight Specialist Salazaar are taking down the dampening generators around the courthouse...

13. Episode 2.11 - Indicted by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1037 words)

The shady planetary governor of New Hope Colony, Governor Emory Ivonovic, is indicted and taken into custody...

14. Episode 2.12 - The Wounded by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (500 words)

2nd Lt. Tauk is concerned about Investigator Buttons, who is undergoing surgery in Medical...

15. Episode 2.13 - First Command by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (788 words)

Justice Minerva Irons evaluates Lt. Kenny Dolphin's first performance in the command chair...

16. Episode 2.14 - The Director of Ground Operations by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (512 words)

A brief conversation between the U.S.S. Hunter's directors of ground operations and flight operations...

17. Episode 2.15 - Grounded by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1276 words)

Lt. Dolphin repremands junior staff for policy violations during the rescue effort on the Colony of New Hope...

18. Episode 2.16 - Ivonovic Trapped by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (388 words)

2.15 is the final segment of Chapter 2 - The Colony of New Hope.

Next up is Chapter 3 - Breakfast Serial

19. Episode 3.1 - Breakfast on the U.S.S. Challenger by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (336 words)

Lt. Lezra Thune receives a surprise from her husband over breakfast...

20. Episode 3.2 - Landing Plans by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (688 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's Department of Fligh Opertions are given a directive...

21. Episode 3.3 - Captain Summers by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (510 words)

The captain of the U.S.S. Challenger asks for help from the Ground Operations Department of the U.S.S. Hunter...

22. Episode 3: Breakfast Serial by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (460 words)

Introduction to Episode 3: Breakfast Serial by Lt. Kenneth Dolphin, Ph.D., Director of Flight Operations, U.S.S. Hunter

23. Episode 3.4 - Landing Assignments by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] (668 words)

The Flight Operations Department are given their final landing assignments...

24. Episode 3.5: Surfing by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (792 words)

The crew of the U.S.S. Hunter go surfing on the ocean planet appropriately named Ocean...

25. Episode 3.6 - Evening on Ocean by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (1154 words)

The crew settle in for a beautiful night on the beach - but it's not such a beautiful evening for Lt. Tauk...

26. Episode 3.7 - A Private Dinner by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1073 words)

Justice Minerva Irons is the matriarch of a vast and powerful family. A small part of that family gathers for dinner at the Irons family plantation on the main island on Ocean...

27. Episode 3.8 - Ivonovic's Defense by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (735 words)

Rear Admiral Samatha Burton arranges for the law firm of Sorek, Brack and Evens to represent Governor Ivonovic...

28. Episode 3.9 - Sarekson Carrera Commanding by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1032 words)

Dr. Carrera, the U.S.S. Hunter's Director of Engineering, takes the Hunter to Starbase Eleven for updates and retrofits - but the short mission is interrupted...

29. Episode 3.10 - Surf Lesson by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1586 words)

Ensign T'Lon teaches Lt. Dolphin how to surf. The U.S.S. Hunter's investigative group have a break in the case...

30. Episode 3.11 - Assassins by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (1203 words)

The investigation into the Breakfast Killer takes a significant step forward...

31. Episode 3.12 - Life is a Beach... (Part 1 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1276 words)

There is a breakfast ceremony on the beach... And there is a half-trill...

32. Episode 3.13 - Life is a Beach... (Part 2 of 2) by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (1139 words)

The conclusion to Episode 3. The story continues with Episode 4: Run to Earth.

33. Episode 4.1 - The Crusher/Crumar/Carrera Effect by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (996 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter is an experimental ship - equiped with a recursive warp engine developed by a design team headed by Wesley Crusher...

34. Episode 4 - Run To Earth by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (435 words)

Introduction to Episode 4: Run To Earth by Lt. Kenny Dolphin, Ph.D., Director of Flight Operations U.S.S. Hunter

35. Episode 4.2 - Dolphin and T'Lon by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (589 words)

Lt. Kenny Dolphin and Ensign T'Lon are both unconscious, locked in a mind-meld that is keeping Dolphin alive...

36. Episode 4.3 - Ground Operations Lounge by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1231 words)

Investigator Buttans Ngumbo winds down from his daily run and shares a beer with his partner, Investigator Lynhart Shran.

37. Episode 4.4 - The Touch by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (265 words)

Lt. T'Lok Smith visits her best friend, Ensign T'Lon, who is locked in a mind-meld with Lt. Dolphin.

38. Episode 4.5 - A Matter of Mass by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (854 words)

Dr. Carrera has been trying for months to get the U.S.S. Hunter into recursive warp, which could allow him to break the warp 10 barrier...

39. Episode 4.6 - Blowout by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (947 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter is attacked while traveling at warp and several crew members are exposed to space...

40. Episode 4.7 - Triage by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (456 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter's Medical Department swings into action dealing with the casualties.

41. Episode 4.8 - The Carrera Effect by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (655 words)

Dr. Carrera's engine makes history - the first controlled, manned ship to break the warp 10 barrier.

42. Episode 4.9 - Casualties by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (792 words)

Justice Minerva Irons and Dr. Tali Shae discuss casualties from the attack on the U.S.S. Hunter.

43. Episode 4.10 - Awakening by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (345 words)

With the U.S.S. Hunter traveling at unprecidented speed, Lt. Dolphin and Ensign T'Lon regain consciousness..

44. Episode 4.11 - Announcement by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 0] (686 words)

Justice Irons has an announcement for the crew

45. Episode 4.12 - Dark Mode by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1050 words)

The U.S.S. Hunter comes to a complete stop and goes dark, making the ship very hard to detect...

46. Episode 4.13 - Assessment by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (891 words)

Investigator Shran has an idea about what attacked the U.S.S. Hunter... And why....

47. Episode 4.14 - Pon Farr by Robert Bruce Scott [Reviews - 1] Liked (1572 words)

After a long, difficult day, Kenny Dolphin retreats to the Directors Lounge, missing his deceased friend. He receives sevearl visitors...

This scene concludes Episode 4. The story continues in a new Story thread: Star Trek Hunter Part 2: Episodes 5 - 7.