Star Trek: S'oren Daughter of Saavik by Livia Ellis
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Summary: S'oren Marcus, the daughter of Saavik and the deceased Dr. David Marcus, is a newly minted ensign ready to embark on her first mission as an agent for Starfleet Intelligence. For the first time in her life, her mixed Romulan/Vulcan/Human heritage is to her advantage.
Categories: Original Series, Alternate Original Series, Alternate Universes, Expanded Universes
Characters: Chekov, Pavel, Ensemble Cast - TOS, Grayson, Amanda, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Saavik, Sarek, Scott, Montgomery (Scotty), Spock (Nimoy), Sulu, Hikaru, Uhura, Nyota
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Family, Friendship, Humor, Other, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Adult Situations
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 1
Series Type: Moderated

Summary: S'oren Marcus, the all too human daughter of Saavik and the long dead Dr. David Marcus, is about to embark on her first intelligence gathering mission into the Neutral Zone. Wanting to please her mother, the recent Starfleet Academy graduate puts the needs of the many in front of her own desires.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Original Series, Alternate Original Series, Alternate Universes, Expanded Universes, Crossovers
Characters: Kirk, James T., Saavik, Spock
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Drama, Family, General, Other, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: S'oren Daughter of Saavik
Completed: No    Word count: 28493    Read Count: 21272
[Report This] Published: 17 Apr 2011 Updated: 27 Apr 2011