J/C Moments by Soquilii
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Summary: For those interested in the Janeway/Chakotay relationship, certain moments in the series lent themselves to fanfiction or begged completion or expansion. These are a collection of my J/C Moments which are nowhere near completion. I am continuing to write them as I review the episodes of Star Trek Voyager. I think they qualify as a series.
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Janeway, Kathryn
Genre: Romance
Warnings: PWP
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 1
Series Type: Closed

Priorities by Soquilii    Rated: T      Reviews (1
Summary: J/C Moments
Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
Categories: Voyager
Characters: Janeway, Kathryn
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: J/C Moments
Completed: Yes    Word count: 1431    Read Count: 1696
[Report This] Published: 22 Sep 2010 Updated: 22 Sep 2010