Star Trek Challenge Stories by Robert Bruce Scott
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At the time of this posting I've only responded to two challenges on Trek BBS. But I plan to respond to more, so creating this series as a handy place to lodge them.


I'm making this a moderated series, so other writers may submit their short story responses to various writing challenges - whether the challenge is issued on Trek BBS or any other platform.

  • Rules:
  • rn
  • 1) I'm the editor as well as moderator. If your story has grammatical/spelling/useage errors, I will point those out and expect you to correct them before I'll accept and publish the entry.
  • rn
  • 2) I will reject stories I find to be either non-Trek or counter to the general Trek-ethos (and yes, I'll be the judge of that!) I'm pretty open minded, but if it's just dripping with profanity or porn, I'm not going to publish it.
  • rn
  • 3) I don't have to like it to publish it. Again, I'm pretty open-minded, so if you have the guts to submit it, I'm fairly likely to publish it (as long as it meets the guidelines above).
  • rn
  • Thanks!! rbs

  • Categories: Enterprise, Original Series, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine
    Characters: None
    Genre: Action/Adventure
    Warnings: None
    Challenges: None
    Parent Series: None
    Stories: 2
    Series Type: Moderated


    Here's a challenge, that's narrower in scope than most, but hopefully a fun and challenging . . . challenge.

    Write a story that features Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. You can bring in other characters, but those three must be featured. It can be dramatic, funny, tragic, laid back, etc. - your choice. No word limit, but I suggest a short story rather than a novella. Deadline to submit your entry is June 26. Voting will end June 30.


    The Horta

    A Mother Horta has been illegally transplanted in hopes of mining a distant moon.

    When things go wrong, Kirk, Spock and McCoy are called in for a consult...

    Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
    Categories: Original Series
    Characters: None
    Genre: Family
    Warnings: None
    Series: Star Trek Challenge Stories
    Completed: No    Word count: 856    Read Count: 71
    [Report This] Published: 07 Feb 2023 Updated: 07 Feb 2023

    This is my response to the Trek BBS January/February 2023 Challenge: Write a short Trek fanfiction about pets. 

    I chose Porthos.

    And a foul-mouthed little lizard-like creature from Dr. Phlox's menagerie...

    Chapters: 1    Table of Contents
    Categories: Enterprise
    Characters: Ensemble Cast - ENT
    Genre: Action/Adventure, Family
    Warnings: None
    Series: Star Trek Challenge Stories
    Completed: Yes    Word count: 1816    Read Count: 69
    [Report This] Published: 06 Feb 2023 Updated: 06 Feb 2023