There are three tests every cadet dreads: The Kobayashi Maru, the "face your fears" psych test, and the survival test. The first one demoralizes you, the second one scares you, and the third one tries to kill you. Make it through all three, and interstellar exploration seems tame in comparison.
When Maren O'Connor takes her survival test, she's determined to last until the bitter, icy end. Still high on her Daystrom win, she's confident that with a bit of engineering magic, she can survive just about anything -- even the frozen hellscape of Earth's North Pole.
Little does she know, she's not just working against the elements -- she's working against a Starfleet Command-sanctioned conspiracy ...
... little does Starfleet Command know, they're not the only ones good at conspiring.
Chapters: 16
Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: Icheb,
O'Connor, Maren,
Quigley, John
Genre: Action/Adventure, Friendship, General, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: Tesseract: The Academy Years
Completed: Yes
Word count: 28549
Read Count: 31897