Date: 10 Oct 2020 11:41 Title: Episode 13.16 - Imperial Script
I'm detecting another theme in this series. Books and libraries.
Interesting conclusion to what has been a rather gut-punchy chapter. Not yet sure what it all means and why the Andorian Emperor is getting involved.
Mysteries for the next few stories, I'm sure.
Author's Response:
Sin Shav is an astute judge of character and Emory has earned his meeting with the enigmatic andorian tyrant.
Good call about the books and libraries. There are a few more libraries to come and the math treatises from the Library of the Progenitors are about to become important...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 10 Oct 2020 11:39 Title: Episode 13.15 - Requiem
Turns out my last comment was quite prophetic. Thing did go from bad to worse. Didn't expect it to happen to quickly so. As if a funeral isn't tragic enough.
It makes me wonder who will be left standing by the time Hunter is done.
Author's Response:
Rubbing my hands with an evil cackle... Who's next...
But, everything in Hunter comes back...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 10 Oct 2020 11:30 Title: Episode 13.14 - The Assault on th'Istel
Another brutal chapter with a high body count. And Ivonovic just pops up everywhere these days, don't he? Busy guy.
I want to say thing will get easier for this crew but somehow I doubt it.
Author's Response:
The man who rose to fame and power decrying hybrids just saved four hybrids from certain death and is crying over the body of a hybrid in his arms... Kind of a big turning point for Emory...
Glad you made it through 13. 14 and 15 will be a blast...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 08 Oct 2020 20:11 Title: Episode 13.13 - Cardassian Pepper
I'm not usually the squirming type but you seem to know all my triggers.
A lot of nasty violence here but hey at least it wasn't all 'real'. Or was it? Hmmm.
Author's Response:
It is from Jarrong's POV, and she is starting to lose it..
I don't like Stephen King's stories, but I love his writing.
Ep 13 is one of the toughest episodes - it does get rather gritty.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 08 Oct 2020 20:06 Title: Episode 13.12 - The Painted Specter by General Suk Sin Soor
Dropping a bit of original poetry isn't easy but you clearly have a knack for it.
Also, as soon as you I read the word boustrophedonic, I tried to look it up with no success. Clearly didn't need to have bothered since the explanation quickly followed.
Liking the Indiana Jones vibe here, including the homage about digging in the wrong place.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the Indiana Jones gag and thanks for the kind words!
Boustrophedonic writing is rare in modern languages. Found in ancient Greek, Safatic and Sabean. And, of course, Lak.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 07 Oct 2020 19:27 Title: Episode 13.11 - Lower Trantor
There's sure a lot of currency being exchanged for a city within Federation territory not to mention the violence. Not quite the paradise it was made out to be, I guess.
Also, looks like a lot of Hunter's crew hails from somewhere on this planet. Coincidence?
Author's Response:
Cun Ling is the second most populated planet in the Federation after Earth. With nearly 3 billion people in Trantor alone, there's a fair chance every crew has someone from Trantor. And with that many people, there's bound to be a dark underbelly.
In part, STH is about exposing the dark underside to the Federation. Utopia is never perfect. The Trills have a nasty secret. Dark things lurk in the hidden cities of Cun Ling. There's Earth First, Andoria First... the Vulcan runification movement... A tyrant on Andoria... And then there's Secition 31... And, of course, Emory.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 07 Oct 2020 19:20 Title: Episode 13.10 - Thumbnail
No, sorry I can't. Anything to do with fingernails and torture is a no-go for me. Just can't handle it.
I made it through this chapter but only barely. Had to skip a bunch of stuff.
Although I did appreciate the fact that for once humans have an advantage over aliens. It's much more commonplace to read about all those races who are inherently stronger, faster or smarter than the average Joe.
Author's Response:
There is definitely a horror element to STH, but I think the only other scene you will need to skip is 24.8 A Trillian Problem - Cinqronicity, which is a rather gruesome description of a symbiant taking a host against her will.
That said, the Hunter's crew is in for a rough time.
Glad you enjoyed the human advantage. Our best trick is adaptability.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 06 Oct 2020 19:02 Title: Episode 13.9 - An Imperial Audience
That's what I call a non-nonsense Emperor.
And our friend Ivanovich is back. I still can't quite figure that guy out. I guess he's one of the good guys now but I'd be dammed If I fully trust him.
Author's Response:
Ivonovic revealed his motto - "I adapt."
Glad you're enjoying Sin IV. Indecision isn't one of his vices...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 05 Oct 2020 20:17 Title: Episode 13.8 - The Blue Wraith
Why am I not surprised those dead bodies are related to Hunter's presence? Not totally sure how yet but clearly some of the Andorians didn't look kindly on the way Irons and her people resolved that whole succession debacle in the previous episode.
As the Andorians like to say: "Revenge is a dish best served cold." Or maybe that's the Klingons but you could see how it could be popular with a race of people hailing from a frozen planet.
Author's Response:
No good deed goes unpunished...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 04 Oct 2020 20:54 Title: Episode 13.7 - The Homely House, Numinor
It's been a while since Hunter's central theme has made an appearance. Here it returns courtesy of some obvious prejudice but is handled with great humor. Something tells me it's not going to stay this way for long.
Author's Response:
I do have some rather bonkers humor with Mallory, Wesley Crusher and the Doctor, but my favorite kind is just the humor that arises from normal interaction. Glad you enjoyed it!
And you're not wrong in your premonition...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 04 Oct 2020 20:44 Title: Episode 13.4 - Pern
More great imagery of maybe the most unique planet in the Federation. Nice tie in to an earlier story by bringing the waterbirds back. I missed or perhaps had forgotten that they were on an unstable planet. Nice to see that their might be a solution to their dilemma. Those were some fascinating creatures.
Author's Response:
Everything in STH comes back at some point. Tomos mentioned the waterbirds singing, so in a future scene...
I created the shifting magnetosphere of Cophus II primarily to give Guth some flying to do - but when it came time for this story, it served an unanticipated second purpose.
Glad you liked my intelligent birds - and thanks for the kind words!! rbs

Date: 01 Oct 2020 19:55 Title: Episode 13.6 - Trantor Metropolitan Museum of Art
Now holographic statues you can play with at you hearts content sound like a thing all the kids would go nuts for.
Anyway, regarding more serious concerns .... Bad things are afoot.
Author's Response:
If only MOMA had that kind of tech - well, I'm sure some day.
And you can rarely go wrong betting on Lenny Shran.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 01 Oct 2020 19:49 Title: Episode 13.5 - Trantor General Hospital
What's going on here? 42 dead bodies? That's not even a crime, that's a massacre.
Looks like wherever Hunter goes, disaster follows. Cannot be a coincidence.
Nice comedic bit with elite team getting locked ou.
Author's Response:
Looks like you skipped over Pern.
The answer to life the universe and everything in corpses - more than a blip even in a city of close to 3 billion.. And good guess - no good deed goes unpunished.
Glad you enjoyed the little comic detail with Shran and Cantys!
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 29 Sep 2020 19:49 Title: Episode 13.3 - Ba Sing Se
The Irons clan in action again. And far larger than what I has already expected.
Interesting reference to a real life Irons here. That cannot be a coincidence.
Author's Response:
One of my favorite actors.. And a subtle turning point in Irons' character arc..
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 28 Sep 2020 19:17 Title: Episode 13.2 - Numinor
A Boo sound like quite a place. Great imagery here.
It also strikes me, and not for the first time, that Hunter, although clearly Trek, is unique enough that it could easily work as a piece of original and highly imaginative sci-fi. With some tweaks.
Also. Surfing.
Author's Response:
Until now I've only written a few short stories. STH is the first long form I've managed. I've learned a lot in the writing. I have an original scifi/horror in mind, but it will probably be some time before I start it. STH was brewing for several months before I started writing it.
Thanks again for the kind words!
And the surfing paid out symbolically in a few unexpected ways.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 28 Sep 2020 19:08 Title: Episode 13 - The 15,000 Cities of Cun Ling
Admittedly, I tend to skip these but just wanted to shout out what a terrific little Trek poem that was.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the kind words!!
I use these little intros to set the mood for the episode.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 28 Sep 2020 19:06 Title: Episode 13.1 - Homecoming
It doesn't exactly pass the Betchdel test (two or more women talking to each other about something other than a man) but you having two female character of middle age or older (or way older) in such prominent roles is still a rarity. Particularly in a scene like this in which they are both getting drunk which is such a classic old boys scenario. Kudos.
Author's Response:
I had to look up Betchdel - I do think I have a few scenes that hit that bar. Glad you're enjoying Irons and Tali Shae! I've had Irons in mind as a character for years. Just finally got around to writing her story.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 27 Sep 2020 12:57 Title: Episode 12.19: Annual Performance Evaluation
Well, I was not far off with my performance review thought. Now, it's official.
Honestly, after listening the litenany of complaints against Dolphin, I can easily see this having gone another way. Perhaps not a demotion, but potentially him staying stuck as a lieutenant for the rest of his Starfleet career.
Admittedly, this scene was more fun this way.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed this scene!
Kenny seems like such a nice guy - mild mannered Harvard professor. But he keeps ruffling feathers and pissing off powerful people. Some admirals never wanted him in Star Fleet because of his writings and now influential captains are howling for his head.
And Irons loves it. She doesn't promote followers.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 27 Sep 2020 12:52 Title: Episode 12.18 - After Action Review
Interesting, there are so many people involved in Hunter's mission, this after action report feels almost more like a performance review.
The verdict? Everyone did a great job. Don't think this would have worked out otherwise.
Author's Response:
An experienced crew at the top of their game. Irons and Pepper are pretty good at choosing people. And the engineering dept. came with the ship - they designed it. But all good things...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 24 Sep 2020 19:01 Title: Episode 12.17 - Messaes of Sin
Looks like the Andorian succession crisis has come to a conclusion. The crew of the Hunter is clearly on a roll, first pretty much saving the entire Bolian race from certain extinction and now reunifying the Andorian Empire.
Author's Response:
They're on top of their game. That's about when the rug tends to get pulled out from under you...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 24 Sep 2020 18:56 Title: Episode 12.16 - Succession Without Representation
Trying to fight Pepper always seems like a spectacularly poor idea. Always.
Author's Response:
Always fun to see a really big guy clobber a room full of dudes. Efficiently.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 23 Sep 2020 19:26 Title: Episode 12.15 - The Study of Sin
There's a reason Boles isn't a diplomat. What a smooth talker.
Looks like we're getting to the bottom of this mystery. It's just as they say ... It's all in the liver. Okay, I guess nobody says that.
Author's Response:
Glad you're enjoying my rude bolian!
The upper liver to be precise - andorians have two... I wanted to have the forensics play a role - Star Trek CSI.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 23 Sep 2020 19:21 Title: Episode 12.14 - See No Sin
Heartwarming reunion but it appears the job is not yet done as questions remain.
Author's Response:
One side of the Dauphin, Sin Shav... He has another.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 23 Sep 2020 19:18 Title: Episode 12.13 - Sin Interred
Hmm, not a ton of context here but I think I get what's going on. Although I could be wrong. Only one way to find out for certain.
Author's Response:
Poisoning of a candidate for the Imperial Dias... Good old fashioned imperial politics. I decided to hold back the explanation of the politics until after the action was complete.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 22 Sep 2020 19:31 Title: Episode 12.12 - Daughters of Sin
Neat call on switching up the perspective here and giving us the rescue from the eyes of the hostages and their charges. Although this does leave me curious how the team made it inside the ice castle.
Author's Response:
No doubt with superb intelligence from Shran.. right down to the door knock codes.
The POV switch was in part a trick to move the story forward - but also the best way to get inside Shressa's head. And her head will return... along with Admiral Scumuk, T'Lok Smith, the five dead klingons from the Serengeti and more...
Thanks again for reviewing and the kind words! rbs