Reviews For False Vacuum
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 Jun 2020 16:44 Title: Part Four: Charybdis - 2

Quite enjoying the resourceful old Doc. Good mystery buildup and nice introduction of Star into this adventure.

Lots of sounds and smells along with the visuals - helps the first vision of a Krellonian city pop.

Thanks!!  rbs

Author's Response: Thanks, glad you like Katanga who is really a bit of a counterpoint to this otherwise mostly young and toe-the-line crew.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10 Jun 2020 18:29 Title: Part Three: A House Divided - 11

We need a Garla or two - assuming she has anything vaguely approaching what she advertises...

Good segment overall. I like the relational development between Owen and Star and have been looking forward to seeing Garla more thoroughly introduced. 

I have to take a moment to admire the artwork you have accumulated for these stories - I'm quite envious, really.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Garla's heart is definitely in the right place. As to her ideas, well, that is another story and one that will certainly be discussed and spotlighted. Thanks for the shout-out regarding the artwork. I'm no great artists and most of Star Eagle's cover art is simply sliced together. A few have been created by actual artists.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10 Jun 2020 16:11 Title: Part Three: A House Divided - 7

I'm starting to like Dr. Katanga - or perhaps just identify a bit much with the crusty curmudgeon. Fun scene - especially the Doc getting his cumuppance from DeMara Deen.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Glad Katanga is growing on you. A character who is noticeably inspired by another curmudgeon Trek doctor. The scene between him and the youthful DeMara is one of my favorites in this story.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Jun 2020 16:40 Title: Part Three: A House Divided - 2

Interesting description of using the transporter for construction - I'm a bit of a technical nerd so always interested in ways of using ST tech that didn't appear on the series. Also good character development for Lif and exposition for the Niners. 

I noticed a couple of places where the spellchecker bit you:
In the paragraph starting with "But the Bajoran security chief..." you describe some of the Niners as wearing shaggy "bears".
In the paragraph starting with "I guess it's my turn to be offended..." you have the word "prize" where I think you meant "price". 

The Niners are an interesting contingent and I'm looking forward to seeing them put to use.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Thanks for flagging the typos, that's super useful and I'll make sure to get those fixed. The Niners will definitely see action while they are attached to Eagle.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2020 19:16 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 6

The stiff necked, bureaucratic Krellonians are very original series Star Trek (if STO could have afforded even the modest prosthetics to create their look.) Their behavior and even the plot to this point would fit comfortably into STO (though the subplots are more STNG or STV). 

I appreciate the humorous ending of one of the previous entries, the short tempered doctor and the cliffhanger.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: TNG is definitely a big influence, as is DS9 and to some degree the Original Series.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2020 15:53 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 3

Definitely some serious violation of procedure - of a level that would require a formal reprimand (after the crisis) even if the mobilization is greatly needed. 

Nice dramatization of the inevitable conflict between problem solvers and command staff. 

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: I don't know if Owens will fault Katanga for getting things underway during a medical crisis, although you are correct, he's certainly not following correct procedure. The conflict here stems primarily from the interpersonal dispute between Katanga and Star which is a recent development. You can find more on the origins of their spat in "Homecoming".

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jun 2020 12:58 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 2

Nice catch on the "ever shifting nature of spacetime." Provides a note of verisimilitude often missed in fan fiction. A grounding in physics and math.

Nice Mexican standoff - and just a little more.

I appreciate the descriptions of the Krellonians and their ships. They appear to be a very original antagonist - and just a little on the thick-necked bureaucratic side.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: The Krellonians are not the funnest bunch of people around, that's for sure. As is often common with Trek aliens, these guys represent some of the worst attributes of contemporary humans, as will become more evident later in this story.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03 Jun 2020 19:52 Title: Part Two: Do No Harm - 1

It appears there is a lot of tension among Michael Owens' team. It seems a lot of it is directed toward him.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Yeah, Eagle's crew tends to jell quite well but things have been a little rockier as of late.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03 Jun 2020 19:49 Title: Part One: Trust No One - 7

Never a good sign when a woman wants to cool things off for awhile. It generally means she has already picked another pony from the herd and has it saddled up...


Thanks!! rbs



Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2020 21:35 Title: Part One: Trust No One - 6

It appears we both have an affinity for smiling half-vulcans... And interesting you created a character with a terminal disease.  Good teasers about the apparently somewhat rocky relationship between the captains. Spooky clicky aliens from subspace, an unfriendly empire and still the greatest mystery to man is woman.

Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2020 22:35 Title: Part One: Trust No One - 4

Story beginnings are always laden with introductions and it looks like you have a lot of people to introduce. Not an easy thing to do - good move doing it through action sequences that show the characters interacting. It provides a well rounded introduction while keeping narrative flowing and provides continued orientation into the primary environment the story will inhabit.


Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Admittedly, a lot of stuff is happening here including quite a bit of exposition. Not great to have so much of it in one place, but most of it is vital for this story and beyond. Glad you thought it flowed relatively well.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2020 21:14 Title: Part One: Trust No One - 3

Nice work up of working out the bugs in the warp engine. I'm very intrigued by the rogues gallary special ops team and enjoying their slightly rocky introduction to the ship's culture.

There's just a precurser of Agents of Shield to this lot. And tellerites are always so much fun...

Thanks! rbs

Author's Response: Quick credit where credit is due, the concept of the SMTs were created by Sam Redfeather, a fellow United Trek writer and the man behind the outstanding Star Trek: Gibraltar series. SMTs are similar to military Special Forces and are generally not stationed on ships. Eagle used to carry Starfleet Marines during the Dominion War but it was established in "Homecoming" that Owens decided to allow civilians to return to the ship and replaced the marines contingent with these SMT operators on the recommendation of security chief Nora Laas.

Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 29 May 2020 16:35 Title: Prologue: Anything Goes - 2

This is apparently an entirely original and well developed civilization with hints of some depth of mythology. The character of Garla is well presented and complex (especially in light of her later exploits which i have already read.)

I appreciate the visual detail provided about the Outlanders and am hoping to see more visuals on the Krellonians. I take it from the discussion of baldness that they are more or less humanoid. 

It will be interesting to follow Garla in her development into the character seen in the current book of this series.


Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Yeah, the Krellonians are an original race which I introduced in the very first Star Eagle Adventure novel with the helmsman Lif Culsten. They are humanoid with a similar physiology to humans, although sans ears. There's a bit more on their background in the first story of the "Homecoming" vignette series leads more or less directly into this novel. Garla is certainly a central figure in Quantum Divergence, so I'm glad she comes across multi-dimensional.

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2017 00:59 Title: Prologue: Anything Goes - 1

Interesting chapter I thought, very interesting.  Certainly it's a different beginning than most Trek stories.  It kind of reminded me of the opening of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with a bit of Moulin Rouge and De-Lovely mixed in.  Add to that it was a great way to reveal Deen's talent.  Very well written, consider me hooked.  Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed the opening here and that it has captured your interest. Can't ask much more from the beginning of a story. Like those analogies, and yeah, I definitely wanted to try something a bit different here to start things off. Much more coming soon.

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