Reviews For Great Expectations
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Reviewer: M C Pehrson Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 17:12 Title: Spock

Ah, yes. Spock overthinking, as usual. You have him perfectly pegged. He is definately a brooder. Well done.

Author's Response:

Yep, a brooder - in spades, at least where the opposite sex is concerned.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 13:36 Title: Spock

Nicely done. I was wondering how you would handle the Spock ficlet and I'm glad to see that you have done a great job. The call back to Leila was nice and you did a good job of capturing Spock's conflict. Not having read your other story, I can confirm it is easy to follow this. But it definitely makes me want to read the larger tale. So well done!

Author's Response:

Good to know it was easy to follow without having read the other piece.  That's often something I struggle with.  Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 10:28 Title: Spock

A fascinating (pardon the pun) look into how Spock logic'd his way out of Christine's reaction to him. That Vulcan can do denial, can't he?

Author's Response:

Yep.  As I told jespah, the king of denial.  Don't think he quite gets the concept that love ain't logical...

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 08:06 Title: Spock

Spock reflections on Chapel equals squee! Loved this. spock can't get his head around a women having an immediate reaction to him and more than that I like to imagine he can't get his head around an attraction on his own part for Chapel. Really nice insight into the mind of Spock how he viewed Chapel and why their relationship felt like such a dance with both intrigued and fascinated by the other but always holding one another at a remove. Super.

Author's Response:

Thanks, as always MF, for being able to see EXACTLY what I hope the reader takes away from a story.

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 07:16 Title: Spock

Oh Spock. Logical and scientific in everything. And I remember the story with Leila...that was a rough one, and I can imagine the imprint that experience left on him that he would be reminded of it after this encounter with Chapel. Awesome stuff!

Author's Response:

That was what I so wanted to convey with the story with Leila - he screwed up with her, badly, even though it was unintentional, and vowed he would never allow himself to put another woman in that position, ever, because he simply didn't understand.  He'd keep his distance, which meant there was no way any woman could ever have feelingss for him, right?  If he keeps things strictly professional with Christine there won't be an issue, right?  God, for as smart as he is, that man really is clueless.

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:48 Title: Kirk

This reminds me of the saying, "you can't help who you love" and I think it rings true for Christine. As for Spock, he still doesn't seem to understand the complexities of human emotion here, nor the workings of a woman's heart. Nice look into how he saw Nurse Chapel.

Author's Response:

Yes.  I think he had to realize there was some sexual tension, and desire there, possibly on both sides.  Why else would he have snatched his hand away from her so abruptly in 'The Naked Time' when she confronted him and declared her love for him?

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:33 Title: Spock

I like the way Spock was written here.  Good job.

Author's Response:

Thanks, Mick - glad it worked for you.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:18 Title: Spock

Man oh man, Spock! Denial, much?

It's funny how he assesses what happened. It's all rather mechanistic, like a computer determining temperature and moisture levels.

Author's Response:

Yep, he's the king of denial where feelings of love and desire are directed at him.  I think he feels if he analyzes them, he can somehow neutralize them - render them inert for the other party.

Reviewer: RogueJawa Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:03 Title: Spock

Bow-chicka-wow-wow. Kidding, very nice portrayal of Spock here. I like written scenes like this because it provides a peek into the mind of a complicated man that you just don't get on a screen.

Author's Response:

Spock often claimed to not understand emotions.  I believe he understood them better than he let on, except for those that dealt with love, desire and affection.  I think he had a hard time sorting them out, for there is no doubt he loved Kirk, McCoy, and pretty much every member of the bridge crew (in a platonic way, of course).  To his mind, I believe he corrolated love with loyalty, as opposed to physical desire, so had a hard time grasping it all when those feelings were directed at him.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 23:05 Title: Kirk

Nicely Done. Good take on Chapel from Kirk pov.

Author's Response:

Thanks, FB - glad you liked it.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 16:29 Title: Kirk

I always love introspective pieces, and this one's definitely a fine offering to the genre. Kirk's thoughts on Chapel and her motivations are terrific; a captain's consideration of her motivations. Great work, as usual!

Author's Response:

Yep.  While others might think she had a good personality or a good heart, an excellent background in science or nursing, Kirk would look at how/what she could contribute to his crew from a captain's perspective - at least that's what I thought.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 11:38 Title: Kirk

Nice idea. I'll have to go and read the original piece, as well. You captured Kirk's voice well and developed his thought process perfectly. I look forward to seeing everybody else's reactions. Well done!

Author's Response:

Thanks!  As I said to another reviewer, there were so many more layers to Chapel IMHO than we ever saw on screen.  With this, and the companion piece, I wanted to give her her moment to shine.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 09:06 Title: Kirk

Ha as if he could convince McCoy to be on his best behaviour ever. But it has to be said, I love this. The premise is such an interesting one and I recall the companion piece and loved it so really looking forward to the perspectives to come and what you do with it. Here the viewpoint of Kirk was fitting and I loved how he was wary about choosing Chapel based on her motivations being personal. The folly of the man. A little hypocritical of him given his own drive and being motivated by personal motivations so often.

Author's Response:

Yeah, like McCOy ever listens to anything Kirk tells him to do in the non-professional realm. ;-)  I don't really see Kirk as being hypocritical here, though.  True, some of his motivations are personal (I fully believe that Tarsus played a vital part in the core values he developed and the man he became), but let's face it - when, for him, the question came down to saving the woman he loved or letting her die for the greater good of Mankind, we all know what choice he made.

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 07:04 Title: Kirk

Neat! This is an interesting look at Chapel (and I'm going to have to check out the companion piece later as well), and I think I'm going to enjoy McCoy's point of view. Looking forward to more!

Author's Response:

Thanks, TS.  Chapel is an underrated, underestimated (everyone just thinks of her as that chick who moons over Spock), and underutilized character.  I wanted to take the opportunity to give her some love.  We're going to see some interesting sides of her, starting with McCoy's entry.  He won't have the whole picture (that will come out in several other people's views), but we're gonna start to see just what she's made of.

Reviewer: RogueJawa Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 05:34 Title: Kirk

Once again you've succeeded in pulling me into the TOS-era which I tend to tread so lightly through. I enjoyed this opening into how Kirk began assembling his staff. I can't wait to read more, LBD!

Author's Response:

Thanks, RogueJawa.  It must have been intimidating for Chapel to be a member of a crew who had aspirations to be there, when initially her only goal was to find out what happened to her fiance.  Somewhere, somehow that changed for her, and I wonder, if she had known what the other members of the crew thought of her, would that have changed sooner?

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 04:55 Title: Kirk

I think it is always interesting to see one crewman through the eyes of everyone else. And, I agree, it had to bother Kirk that she was there for--apparently--the wrong reasons. You never know if it will work when people do something in the field of service to serve their own interests. But, from Christine's perspective, if my fiance took off on an expedition of that kind, and I hadn't heard from him, I would want to know, too, and if I had the qualifications, I would probably use them. It will be interesting to see how the others see her, too.

Author's Response:

According to the original story she got off on the right foot with some, with others not so much.  We'll see if her views of how things went jive with everyone else's. ;-)

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 04:50 Title: Kirk

Ah, this was a good piece. Love the way Kirk details his thoughts here, very command centric and crew centric. Not a lot of thought was ever really given in TOS run of why everyone stayed for years on end, but it was a different era then and a cohesive unit was something that was just about a requirment. As we saw later in Starfleet, people could transfer pretty much any time they wanted.

I can't wait for McCoy's view. :)

Author's Response:

Kirk had to be experiencing some jitters and uncertainty about how his crew would perform early on, and his feeling that they must gel in order to be effective.  And Chapel's unique situation would be just the fly in the ointment he had been hoping to avoid.  Oh well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

LOL!  Can't imagine why McCoy's view could be of inerest. ;-)

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 04:47 Title: Kirk

This is a good idea.  Great perspective here.  It'll be interesting to see how Chapel is percieved by her crewmates.

Author's Response:

She had her say in "One Small Step."  Only seemed fair to turn the tables.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. :D

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 04:38 Title: Kirk

Ah, it'll be interesting to see what everyone thinks of Christine. Certainly, as Kirk notes, she's more than competent. But yeah, her wish to go into space in order to find Roger, rather than for other reasons, had to have been troubling to him.

Author's Response:

That had to have been a major concern for him, but each of the seven will perceive her differently, according to how they interacted with her on her first day.  And you know what they say about first impressions...

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 04:34 Title: Kirk

Ooh, interesting perspective.  I like it.  This is a really cool theme for the week.

Author's Response:

Yep. First impressions work both ways, and I have to thank you for the free writes that led to the original story, which will in turn lead to these ficlets.

Reviewer: zeusfluff Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 04:33 Title: Kirk

Great piece you've got here LBD. I could totally see Kirk clearly trying to really figure out how his new crew member will fit into the journey. Thanks for this.

Author's Response:

Thanks, zeusfluff. Chapel will leave a different impression on each of the seven, just as she had a different impression of each of them.  She interacted with five of the seven in the original story, so we'll get to see that first meeting with two of them here.

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