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Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 20:19 Title: What Had Happened Was ...

Curiouser and curiouser... You've really created a down the rabbit hole situation for your characters here as they try and decide who and what to trust. We're kind of in the same boat, as we're not even sure how much of what your MC is telling us is trustworthy. It's a fine line to walk and so far you're doing so masterfully. Great job!

Reviewer: RogueJawa Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 19:23 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

Creepy Section 31 Guy is Creepy. I love it, he was definitely unnerving. He was so close to getting away. I think dealing with Section 31 would be enough to make anyone go crazy.

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 08:38 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

What?! He got caught? Ugh, oh no!

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 04:52 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

Danny is slowly becoming more interesting to me.  I liked his interactions here, very well written.  I'm anxious to see how it all plays out in future installments.

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 02:52 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

Somehow I don't think the prisoner's idea of "help" is the same as Danny's. I'm left wondering who is beaming him somewhere--if it really is S31, or the funny farm trying to get him back, or someone else entirely. Nice work!

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 23:05 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

trekfan another a good instalment in the Danny Scott story. I do like his interactions with his hostage.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 21:55 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

Gees. With these mind games one starts to get paranoid. You doubt Danny. Maybe the guy knows your name nnot becuase he's S31 but because he's Betazoid?! You get paranoid about the situation that he doesn't get paranoid about - don't take the tricorder! you shout - but he does and then shimmer.

Boys oh boys. This plays with the mind. I don't know what it says about your mad skills trekfan that you get the reader to connect to a character who can hardly connect to himself or the world around him. All I know is, is that it adds up to a compelling tale.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 21:05 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

Well, this has taken a turn, and not a good one, I'm sure. I'm beginning to suspect that Danny's been implanted with some form of technology or other, and it's messing with his head something fierce. Hmm.

Reviewer: zeusfluff Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 19:34 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

WOW TF, what an intense piece you've got here. Looks like Danny can handle himself, but also got into a bit of trouble.

Great piece.

Cannot wait to see what you come up with in Day #4.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 18:21 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

Oh, S31.  You and your evil ways.

Danny is somehow more relatable now that he's lost his marbles.  Not sure what that says about me.

Interesting how he's looking to Vick (or Vick's memory) as a role model now.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 18:19 Title: He Who Shall Not Be Named (But is Anyway)

Uh oh. Is this going to be a lucky escape or a case of frying pan to fire?
Continued nice job balancing the need of the story with the slow descent of Danny. You really have me intrigued with this whole thing, I can't wait to find out what is going on! As usual, the writing is excellent, you are doing a great job with the first person (which is not easy to do!) Look forward to tomorrow's

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:55 Title: Exit, Stage Left

Again, very well-written look into the mind of someone who isn't operating on all thrusters.  But the fact that the attendant said the apartment was rented, when clearly it wasn't, makes me wonder what is really going on, and who the attendant really is, or at least who he's working for.  The plot thickens.

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:26 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Great title, and the Section 31 element certainly piqued my curiosity.  Good job.

Reviewer: RogueJawa Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 04:04 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Love the title. I also like how even Section 31 operatives need time away. It always seems like the Section 31 folks we see on the shows are fanatical. I like seeing someone take it a different route.

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 02:57 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Hmm, might need to look up more about these seizures, but awesome so far! Definitely enjoying this story

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 02:45 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

This makes me very curious. I am familiar with Section 31, but I have to wonder why the attendant would have told him the apartment is rented. 'Twill be interesting to see where this one goes.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 22:41 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

The Mystery deepens but what do the visions mean, You've got me hooked on this one trekfan.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 21:56 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Ok, he really seems to be in a bad way. Intrigued to discover what is going on here.
You did a good job of describing the oncoming headache and its aftermath, as well as continuing to provide us with enough background detail to keep us interested.
Another great one!

Reviewer: Mackenzie Calhoun Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 21:54 Title: Exit, Stage Left

Entertaining piece. Reminds me of a Glen A. Larson series. But that's how my mind works. Good work.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 21:09 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Oh gees. It should in theory be the last place to find him. Seems that kind of move is covered in class 101. Though I've a feeling Danny skipped some classes. Still, he's making moves that show his skillset. That means he's still very dangerous and unhinged as he is that makes him very, very dangerous. Of course, it doesn't help that the fact the universe doesn't make sense and he's seeing visions of a Betazoid. That kind of thing is whack. Save for the fact he's a guy who travelled to the multiverse. Maybe in the end, he's not nearly as crazy as everyone thinks.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 20:31 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

This reminds me quite a bit of the Barenaked Ladies' song, The Old Apartment. It has a line that resonates right here, "Why did I have to break in? I only came here to talk."

Or, in Danny's case, sleep. 

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 20:20 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Damn, Danny is a mess. Not that this is a big shock, considering his upbringing and the S31, but damn. I hope he makes it out alive.

Reviewer: zeusfluff Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 20:03 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Looks like Danny just wants somewhere familiar to sleep. Even if it isn't the greatest. Good insight on how crazy he is.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 19:51 Title: Home is Where the Crazies Aren't

Yikes, what is wrong with him?!  It sounds scary.  I also have my doubts about whether he's really alone.

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 May 2014 05:19 Title: Exit, Stage Left

Quite the engaging beginning, with a balance of humor and intensity. This looks to be a fun ride with a very interesting character. Looking forward to reading more!

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