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Reviewer: Mackenzie Calhoun Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 22:24 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

Utterly brilliant and utterly enjoyable. Quite the knack MF.

Author's Response:

Thank you Mac. I aim to make it enjoyable at least. 

Reviewer: Mackenzie Calhoun Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 22:22 Title: Don't call me Tabby

Nice work, MF. There's a real feel to it as always. The less than pleasant side of Trek.

Author's Response:

Thank you Mac. I like to try at least to give things enough of a feel with details and vibe. And I like to explore the grittier or dirtier certainly less pristine side of trek.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 03:50 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

Well, looks like her ship found her.  But OMG, spiders!  SPACE spiders.


Author's Response:

Sorry. Had to have a plot reason for not climbing the trees. And yes, she found the Rabbit and the Rabbit found her.

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 03:20 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

Ah, Chase found a ship.  It reminded me of the first time Mal Reynolds saw Serenity.  Very well done.

Author's Response:

Yup, I kinda imagined it akin to Mal seeing Serenity for the first time and just kniowing this was his ship. Likewise for Tabatha.

Reviewer: zeusfluff Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 02:04 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

Ah, Tabatha found a ship did she? What a prize for her. I'm trying to decide if she has attitude or spunk. A bit of both I suppose.

Where are we going next? I want to know.

Well guess I'll have to wait until Day 5 to find out.

Author's Response:

Both. Definitely. Ha. Thank you for reading. Hope Day 5 satisfies.

Reviewer: TheLoneRedshirt Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 01:28 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

Nice visualization! I almost started swatting at mosquitoes with your description of the swamp. It's obvious Tabatha has a nostalgic (and loyal) side to her eccentric personality. And now, lo and behold, she stumbles across a ship upon which she will build her legend. (Assuming she can drag it out of the swamp!)

Author's Response:

Yeah, thank you TLR. She loves her ship and is fiercely proud of it and loyal to it and it to she. And if anyone can drag it out of the swamp it's Tabatha Chase.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 01:04 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

Lol, Tabatha Chase early days are revealing but astill fun and a great insight to one of your most colourful creations. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response:

Thank you Falsebill. She's certainly colourful. Will try to keep it up. And in response to your review for the next chapter (which I deleted accidently sorry) the Smile never leaves Tabatha's face for sure. And I'm glad she gives you cause to smile.

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 00:51 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

At least Tabatha isn't afraid to get her hands dirty...and if she had to crash, you know it would be a spectacular crash landing...Im wondering how she'll get it out of the muck, first, and then if it will be air-worthy. If so, we she be able to fly it as is, or will she have to fix it up? Can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response:

Oh Tabatha isn't afriad to roll up the sleeves and get her hands dirty. And in many ways, this is the beginning of whole new adventures for our gal. Thank you so much for reading and commenting Gatekeeper.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 May 2014 00:17 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

Oh that is so cool. Kind of life Han Solo's first encounter with the Falcon. Love at first sight. And what a way to get your ship; finding her in a jungle, abandoned for who knows how long. I promise, as soon as this challenge is finished, I am definitely going to go and read the main stories. Fantastic character you have created here and these ficlets are amazing! Well done!

Author's Response:

Thank you Sarine. Tabatha's very much in the mould of Star Wars rogues. Pirate or cowboys in space is really too cool a concept. he image of the ship finding though is actually part inspired by a painitng of a Consular class mired in a swamp and the reaction is akin to Mal Reynolds seeing the Serenity for the first time. Poor dismissed thing that is actually a treasure found. Thank you for reading. And of course I hope you will read the other stories (best get my boots on and finish the current one).

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 23:55 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

Aww. (There are no more appropriate words.)

Author's Response:

Thank you trekfan. 

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 23:53 Title: At the End of a Rainbow

Ah, the Rhapsody Rabbit emerges from the semi-primordial swamp! Lovely, evocative scene you've created here.

Author's Response:

Glad you thought it evocative. Much thanks jespah.

Reviewer: RogueJawa Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 19:55 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

Brilliant name for the horse, and a very nice way to tie up this chapter. Tabatha still has an infectious energy, but I've always had a soft spot for hot shot pilots. I love the banter between her and the Tellarite captain. I've always thought merchant spacefaring was underutilized in Trek. We only saw a handful of glimpses into it.

Author's Response:

Absolutely. Way too underultilised. So I've made it my calling to make up for it. LOL. Much thanks for reading and the wonderful comments. Hope you continue to like Tabatha.

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 08:45 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

Typical awesomeness for Chase. And loved the horse's name at the end. Very fitting, for sure.

Author's Response:

Fitting indeed or so I thought. Glad you think so too.

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 05:00 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

I liked the last 3 lines it really tied it all together here, and it was a very satisfying ending.

Author's Response:

Thank you Mick. There's usually a method to the madness so I'm glad the last three lines brought it together for you.

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 02:25 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

I love her spunk and devil may care attitude. If anyone would test her mettle against a star, it's Tabatha Chase. So enjoying this. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Author's Response:

Again my thanks for kind words. She's got plenty of spunk and mettle! ;) here's hoping tomorrow brings something of interest. TY for reading.

Reviewer: zeusfluff Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 01:34 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

I've grown to really love these little ficlets of yours MF. Keeps me wanting to know more about Tabatha's adventures. And battling the Klingons.

Another great piece and looking forward to seeing where you go next!

Author's Response:

Thank you. Tabatha has a lot of adventures ahead of her. So glad you're enjoying your introduction to Chase. Klingons do have a habit of running afoul of Chase. Or is it she runs afoul of them?

Reviewer: TheLoneRedshirt Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 00:50 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

Icarus' Wrath - now that's a great name for a horse! Another nice vignette depicting the wild (dare I say, insane?) antics of Tabatha Chase as she eludes some Klingons by traversing a star's corona!!! The lady has some self-destructive tendencies, I fear.

Author's Response:

Self-destructive? More like ... imaginative methods of survival. Ha, ha. Thank you for reading TLR. Wild antics = Tabatha Chase.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 00:23 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

Ah, and her wild side shows. Love the way she just takes things full throttle and the insectoid Xindi should get a spinoff (not really ... but I enjoyed their dialogue!). Fun is her game, Tabatha is her name.

Author's Response:

Ha. (stealing that line)

Full throttle exactly. And yup once the Xindi started talking I had to flesh out their role. Too good. But seriously, you talking to the man who doesn't need anymore series or spin offs.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 00:14 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

Ha, excellent tie-in to classic mythology. Too close to the sun indeed. 'Course Tabatha's wings weren't held together by mere wax.

Author's Response:

Thank you jespah. And well, she's also a professor of antiquities at the Galen Institute (or so she proclaims) so classic mythology would seen par the course.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 May 2014 00:10 Title: Flying too Close to the Sun

"But some real stellar flying, yes?”

You and your puns!!! 

I love the horse's name.  Great little story.

Author's Response:

One has to try. What can I say? Tabatha inspires.

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:15 Title: Born to Fly

What a plucky little waif!  Loved it!  Not even afraid of a Tellarite.  Something tells me the little 'Tabby Kat' will fit in just fine on this vessel.

Author's Response:

I think you might just be right Lil black dog. And plucky she certainly was.

Reviewer: MIck Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 05:09 Title: Don't call me Tabby

Oh I like this one.  Great job.

Author's Response:

Thank you Mick. Much appreciated.

Reviewer: RogueJawa Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 04:08 Title: Don't call me Tabby

She. Is. ADORABLE. Too cute for words!

Author's Response:

Adorable? Not quite usually the words used in describing Tabatha but yeah ... perhaps fitting at this stage in her life. LOL. Thanks for reading RogueJawa.

Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 02:53 Title: Don't call me Tabby

That's right Tabatha! Sass him!

Author's Response:

Oh she needs no encouragement! TY for reading TemplarSora.

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 May 2014 02:27 Title: Don't call me Tabby

I love this image of a young Tabatha. Great prelude to her larger than life personality later in life. I like Hex, too.

Just a side note: Don't know if you realize it, but you have him as Jonesa twice in the first paragraph and then Joresa later.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the catch. Now remedied. Jonesa (Little Big Jon) wouldn't like that one bit. Thanks for reading and commenting. Yes, it is prelude to her later larger than life personality. I like that description lots.

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