Reviews For Advice From My Universes to Yours
Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Dec 2013 20:06 Title: Emmylou Galyaski
Date: 27 Dec 2013 20:06 Title: Emmylou Galyaski
Well that was nicely done again Jespah, I think you manage to find Emmylou voice and her little issue with Sophia. I did like how you manage to slip in that Emmylou was the one who was struggling with accepting Scott was gone hence her tense slip ups. Still I think your character show they own lose and it’s impact well.
I do worry what Levi going to do with that Phase inverter when he does get it working again, still it was nice to see Eriecho has embraced her mission to help others, maybe she can get a job on Mars Radio as a call in councilor when she gets home.
Author's Response:
Ha, there's a job for Eriecho! I never even thought of that. Thanks. :)