Date: 02 Jan 2014 23:50 Title: Spock
This is a fun behind-the-scenes connection! And the information about Karel Capek was interesting-I love learning little things like that. Thanks for an enjoyable story!
Author's Response:
Oh, I thank you - I got the Capek bit from Memory Alpha.
Date: 27 Dec 2013 20:13 Title: Spock
So we get to see Spock seeking aid for Jim pain over that sad incident and why Spock invaded his memories and made him forget.
Still I did enjoy the blind squirrel’s (or helpers) finding their nut and not recognizing it for it was. Another fine story ma’am keep up the good work.
Author's Response:
Definitely blind squirrels. Thank you.
Date: 26 Dec 2013 23:46 Title: Spock
LOL! So that explains it. It had nothing to do with McCoy's little what-love-can-drive-a-man-to-do speech, and everything to do with the advice hotline. A novel take on a pitoval scene for the Kirk and Spock bromance in an otherwise forgettable episode.
Thanks for this, jespah, made me grin. :)
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks! 'Sides, Spock ignores McCoy most of the time. ;)