Reviews For Absolute Horizon
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Feb 2010 21:46 Title: Chapter 2 The Nailers

Wow! McCoy when he vents is something else - especially if he is directing some ire towards Spock. McCoy starts out defending and in the same breath calling Spock a poitny eared devil. Hee hee. Only McCoy. Love it. And you do it so well.

Love the Giotta development. I know very little of this character but you make it work and his means of working in partnership through subtle eye contact with Spock is admirable. It strikes me as tactical and also telling of his own nature and appreciation of Spock's. His dark thoughts about the Governor hold some truth and I wonder whether she is more complicit in matters - if not just plain incompetent regards certain issues.

Love the inclusion of all in the scene - Scotty makes some funny remarks that are close to the truth all the same and likewise Uhura sees through all the murk and understands people and their reactions to the campaign of the Nailers.

Lastly, we have the reflection on how on edge everyone is from the evalution. I know that feeling all too well - and it does out people on edge and it can easily cause tensions, frictions and estrangements. But more than that, the crew is facing being separated and ging their own ways. It might be that they fear that possibility or have already begun to accept that it might be in their best interests to move on to greater and better things.

Reviewer: MrsPicard Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 22 Feb 2009 19:05 Title: Chapter 2 The Nailers

*grin* I don't know why, but I like Sudak. I'm probably not supposed to, but I do. Ahem. ^_^' I just can't help it somehow!

I enjoyed reading this chapter a lot... I loved Kirk's thoughts about his various crew members and how they seem to have changed!

Great job!

Author's Response: Well, if it's any comfort, I don't dislike Sudak. ;-) He has some redeeming qualities, though people tend to hate him, yeah. ::grins:: Thank you very much for such wonderfully thoughtful comments! :-)

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