[Reviews - 51] LikedPrinter
Past Featured StorySummary: The first five-year mission ended with the most successful Starfleet Bridge crew scattered to the winds. Was it fate? Was it a choice? Or was there a layer to this occurrence which an outside observer could not perceive?
Rated: T
Categories: Original Series Characters: Ensemble Cast - TOS, Kirk, James T., McCoy, Leonard (Bones), Spock
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Violence
Challenges: None
Series: Absolute Horizon
Chapters: 29 Completed: Yes
Word count: 121024 Read: 96250
Published: 03 Feb 2009 Updated: 27 Feb 2009
Story Notes:
Take 1 on the end of the first five-year mission. Concerning prior-TOS events, I do not accept apocrypha as canon, and I reserve the right to interpret everyone’s background in my own way.
Note: This story is best suited for shippers.

Beta/Editor: SLWatson. All remaining mistakes are mine.

Acknowledgements: To SLWatson, whom I cannot thank enough. I don’t know if this story is a caravel or a frigate, or maybe a humble schooner, but I do know that Steff was the wind in her sails.

1. Prologue by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 16] Liked (1398 words)

2. Chapter 1 Duck and Cover by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 3] Liked (4218 words)

3. Chapter 2 The Nailers by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 2] Liked (4606 words)

4. Chapter 3 Evening Shadows by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (2830 words)

5. Chapter 4 Midnight Strolls by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (4401 words)

6. Chapter 5 Internal Investigations by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (2889 words)

7. Chapter 6 Then and Now by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (4025 words)

8. Chapter 7 Twilight Watch by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (4842 words)

9. Chapter 8 Disaster by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3871 words)

10. Chapter 9 Abattoir by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3457 words)

11. Chapter 10 Roses Are Red by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (4545 words)

12. Chapter 11 The Haunted Ship by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (5909 words)

13. Chapter 12 Tame the Light by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (5659 words)

14. Chapter 13 Shoot to Kill by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3555 words)

15. Chapter 14 Suspicions and Suspects by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3700 words)

16. Chapter 15 An Exercise in Defiance by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3926 words)

17. Chapter 16 Mousetrap by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3578 words)

18. Chapter 17 Losing Ground by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (5218 words)

19. Chapter 18 The Boomerang Effect by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (4632 words)

20. Chapter 19 Fallen Gods by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3914 words)

21. Chapter 20 The Final Countdown by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 2] Liked (5580 words)

22. Chapter 21 Puppets and Puppeteers by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (5460 words)

23. Chapter 22 Into the Fire by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3062 words)

24. Chapter 23 The Last Temptation by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (4184 words)

25. Chapter 24 No More Bets by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (5374 words)

26. Chapter 25 Burning Bridges by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (6957 words)

27. Chapter 26 Flames to Dust by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 1] Liked (3064 words)

28. Chapter 27 Dying to Live by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 2] Liked (5128 words)

29. Epilogue by Anna Amuse [Reviews - 3] Liked (1042 words)