Date: 16 Jun 2009 09:37 Title: Prologue
Y'know, so many reviews and the story was so big it scared me off but, damn, what an opening! I have to read this!
Author's Response: Well, good news is you don't *have* to read this, unless you really want to. ;-) There are no obligations attached. ;-)

Date: 14 Apr 2009 20:16 Title: Prologue
Wow. I grew up reading the TOS novels, and fixated on the notion of Kirk and Spock as the ultimate friendship, people closer than lovers or brothers. I've read stories where they came apart, but *never* the concept that the very intensity of their friendship is what made it destructive to the both of them, and for the sake of their ethical beliefs they had to back off. Incredible insight.
My first reaction to Sudak, probably predictably, was to hate his guts, but he does tie in with Enterprise and the entire tragedy of being Vulcan -- that they *can't* be emotional, that there's no middle ground and they don't dare. He's doing the right thing as he understands it, too. And Chekov's growth into someone who could credibly become Security Chief was very well done; I rarely see Chekov used for much other than comedy relief and smutfics, and seeing him taken seriously was really cool.
Very, very impressive.
Author's Response: ::bows:: I am honored, Alara. I am even more amazed with your review, insightful as it is, because everything you mentioned is what makes this fic special to me. I am *thrilled* that you picked up my thoughts so precisely. Gives me hope that I'm not completely hopeless. ;-) Thank you.
Date: 06 Apr 2009 23:09 Title: Prologue
::blink:: Ooops, did I come across as negative in my last review? I hope not, because it is all positive, honest. I'm thoroughly enjoying your story and think it is wonderfully written. I particularly like the way you've written Kirk and Spock :D
(it was late last night and my brain gets fried regularly these days...too much to make much sense sometimes :D)
Author's Response: No, you said nothing negative, but I do know that AH isn't an easy story to read. Despite my assurances that it's canon, people keep expecting some sort of a miraculous happy ending and tend to get upset with me when I don't give it to them. But I think I can trust someone who wrote Neutral Territory to know better. ;-) And you probably won't like the way I've written Kirk and Spock there when you're done, but I won't hold it against you, promise.;-) Thanks for reading.
Date: 06 Apr 2009 13:14 Title: Prologue
I found this chilling in both atmosphere and content. Intensely descriptive and powerful, it has me dreading the end of this fic, but like watching a car crash I can not turn away and stop reading.
I'm not a fan of end of five year misson fics in general as I prefer a happy ending that the canon scenario can not supply, but your set up and continued depth in writing the characters has me enjoying the moment despite the ending far in the distance. I'm several chapters in and am loving it. Just thought I'd drop in a line while I'm still cruising through.
Thanks so much for writing and sharing.
(who printed it off to read away from the computer)
Author's Response: Well, canon is canon and there isn't much I can do about it, hard as I may wish to. ::sighs:: The story indeed doesn't have a happy ending, but I'm glad if you can find some redeeming qualities to it still. It hasn't been an easy tale to tell, but it had to be told nonetheless. Thank you very much for commenting and I hope you'll enjoy it.:)
Date: 27 Mar 2009 00:26 Title: Prologue
Stark and powerful imagery convey stark and powerful emotions felt by Kirk. All too often Kirk is prtrayed as a cavalier cowboy acting on impulse not always showing deep emotions or being thoughtful or reflective. I like how you do and it fits the character and treats him so much more fleshed out and real.
It was also touching to include how from that very experience in the cell Kirk knew he would die alone. Great tie to the famous line in the movie.
Author's Response: Thank you. Jim Kirk is a character easily misiterpreted by most people. I'm glad if my portraying him makes sense. I tried to find out what makes him tick. Even partial success means a lot to me.

Date: 09 Mar 2009 20:55 Title: Prologue
Anna, I am now reviewing the last chapter. Just in case you have some doubts...and the last review was about the story in general, specially the prologue, the zero g and the resigning chapters. LOL
OK, I like it very much. You know why.No more comments today. Intelligent ones, anyway. LOL
Author's Response: LOL. The definition of a last chapter is not the most precise one, you know. ;-) But I'm being coy, I admit. LOL. Thank you.

Date: 07 Mar 2009 16:29 Title: Prologue
I forgot to add the little stars. they are so cute...LOL
Not a warning, a promise....
Just seconds to change their life, one way or another. A choice.
You are doing a great job.
Author's Response: Thank you! ::grins::
Date: 07 Mar 2009 16:20 Title: Prologue
by now you know what I think about this chapter, but I will say it again, anyway. In less words , of course. LOL
Wonderful. I loved it. Now Kirk knows some inexpected truths about himself. His strenght is at the same time his weakness. Or is it the reverse? Control. Powerful enought to lead a man´s life.
Author's Response: Vero, you're constantly making me guess what chapter you mean. ;-) But I think I know which one you intended to review here. You know how much it means to me, how important it was that it read naturally. Thank you again for your unwavering support. ;-)

Date: 01 Mar 2009 14:30 Title: Prologue
Excellent chapter. As always, you avoid the easy path. You tied Spock´s fears with Kirk´s actions very well.
Author's Response: Thanks. ;-)

Date: 21 Feb 2009 22:25 Title: Prologue
I am SO totally going to read this story, Anna! I love your work, you're an amazing writer - and so, naturally, this prologue is stunning! Very intense, very powerful - I loved Kirk's bad dream thoughts and all and the storm that went with them!
I have one question, though: For what kind of shippers is this story? *curious* ;) I mean I ain't picky when it comes to TOS - it's just my never-ending curiosity. ;)
Author's Response: Thank you, Mrs. P! What kind of shippers... Hmm, you got me there. To anyone who loves Kirk and Spock in infinite combinations, I guess. ;-) And for those who like the ensemble, too. ;-)
Date: 21 Feb 2009 17:10 Title: Prologue
oops, no reference WITHOUT explanation...have to take english lessons again?
Author's Response: ::laughs:: You're fine, as far as I'm concerned. ;-)
Date: 21 Feb 2009 17:08 Title: Prologue
I don´t want this to end. I want it to last forever.Or ten chapters more, at least...LOL
A girl´s thing, I guess.?
PS I really like the way at the end of your stories all details, even minors, are tightly tied up, and there´s no reference with it´s explanation.
Author's Response: Thank you, Vero! I do want the story to end though. For them, it's not the right place to be. Hopefully, there will be other. ;-)

Date: 20 Feb 2009 16:11 Title: Prologue
Great start...Loved it. The setting was well defined, felt like I was there! Not sure where this will go, but I have booked marked this so I can read at my leisure!!!....but great start thus far...
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm not at all sure that you will like where this is going, it is girl's writing, after all. But I hope the disappointment won't be too painful. ;-)
Date: 18 Feb 2009 21:13 Title: Prologue
When you have the benefit of being the editor and knowing the whole story, you get to look back at the beginning and marvel at how it ties back to itself. While I can't fathom that the reviewers on FF.N can't actually see it, I know part of this problem is that I have foresight that they don't about it. So, of course, they don't see yet (hopefully they will at the end) just how well-woven this tale actually is.
The imagery here of the city after the storm is lovely. It sticks in my mind everytime I go back to read again; the rain, the smell of it, the way the world calms afterwards. How you managed to weave in the metaphorical imagery of the storm battering the city to Jim's mind-state and events that haven't been revealed until later. It's masterful work, Anna; it's not a story for people who want something quick and light to read. It asks such hard questions and offers no simple explanations.
Author's Response: Yes, I like this scene, too. Probably because I had a lot of very qualified help with it. ;-) As with the rest of the story. In fact, if it wasn't for you, I think I still would have been stumbling over yet another cliche somewhere in the middle of it. Thank you doesn't quite cover it... so thank you.:-)
Just one thing though. Please no crussades?;-)
Date: 10 Feb 2009 05:58 Title: Prologue
Please...must post more often...suspense is KILLING me!!
Author's Response: I'm doing my best. ;-)

Date: 05 Feb 2009 21:48 Title: Prologue
Anna, this story has totally captured me! I won't review each chapter because my perspective may change as more and more things are revealed. Suffice it to say I await updates with the utmost anticipation ;-). It is very intriguing so far, and can't wait to see where you take it.
Author's Response: Thank you, Cuppy.;-) I hope the story will not disappoint you when it's up.