Date: 27 Aug 2013 10:56 Title: A Light in the Darkness
Funny how the Fall of the Federation segment is the happiest piece of this work so far.
Date: 28 May 2013 05:57 Title: A Light in the Darkness
She calls upon them all to remember how to be a leader. See, the thing was, while I always really adored Ezri, I suffered from the death of Jadzia and as a result couldn't attach to her the same way. It left me missing something. I feel like reading these snippets has given that something back. Thank you for it.
Date: 26 May 2013 22:58 Title: A Light in the Darkness
You convey the surrender of the Federation so well. No heroic final last gasp more of a long protracted suffocation, one system after the other. Of course, surrender of the authorities does not mean the surrender of the people, of those holding the line. Ezri makes a bold decision and one her crew will take with her. The fight, the Federation will continue in some form. A bright speech from Ezri which seems fititng of her character that a stirring speech should be trying to strike such a hopeful note despite everything.
Date: 26 May 2013 03:23 Title: A Light in the Darkness
And so, in the face of ultimate defeat, hope floats...
Date: 26 May 2013 01:49 Title: A Light in the Darkness
A gut wrenching order that Dax and her crew are only too happy to violate. Set course for anywhere but here...
Date: 26 May 2013 00:17 Title: A Light in the Darkness
Her speech gave me a shiver. The best kind of shiver. Good girl, and may you live and build an amazing resistance eventually. Seeing the Federation so devastated is heartbreaking, but Ezri's got a plan, and God, do I hope so succeeds.
Date: 25 May 2013 02:57 Title: A Light in the Darkness
Nice speech, Ezri Dax. Let's see what you do with it. I cannot wait to see how this arc ends.
The opening scene with the official disbanding was so sad. You drew the scene well. I felt like I was watching on my own TV.
Date: 25 May 2013 02:34 Title: A Light in the Darkness
The worst of times, the very worst of times. Can only hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Date: 24 May 2013 21:12 Title: A Light in the Darkness
And so falls the Federation. You can't blame them for going out as they did, after all the suffering and loss. But I'm glad to see some in Starfleet are still going to fight, still going to boldly go into the future. Ezri seems to have grown up from that scared little thing we saw facing a dead Jadzia.
Now the question is how is she, and the others like her, going to fight this thing. How are they going to survive while the galaxy around them falls to their knees? I'm very interested in seeing this last piece.
Date: 24 May 2013 21:08 Title: A Light in the Darkness
Intriguing ....
I am reminded of this song.