Date: 27 Aug 2013 10:55 Title: The Death of Trill
Grim. But Dax survives-for now.
Date: 26 May 2013 22:53 Title: The Death of Trill
Truly a hard impacting chapter. The stomach falling out of Ezri Dax mirrored a similar same sensation I had myself when I read this. Some powerful stuff here and now the reality for Ezri and for Dax is forever altered. The loss of friends and colleagues is huge but to lose home, family especially with how much home and family it si considering the Dax symbiont is completely bewildering, huge, and incomprehensible.
The Trill in ways are Trek's Dr Who Timelords, the chance to rejuvenate and reinvent but to carry onwards with those memories shaping and informing the timelord. But now like the Doctor, Dax is like the last (maybe not the very last) of her people. There's something huge about that. Hard to convey in words and the pull to retort, to act back, to fight valiantly but futilely against those is strong but the wisdom of Nog is what calls her to her senses/ Great gripping stuff.
Date: 26 May 2013 05:51 Title: The Death of Trill
Oh, Ezri. She remind me a little of the Doctor. Last of his race, having to choose survival and life instead of vengeance so many times. This was aching.
Date: 26 May 2013 03:20 Title: The Death of Trill
Oh the need for vengeance. To make heads roll; to make those responsible pay the ultimate price. Ezri and Dax can be forgiven their moment of white-hot anger and blinding desire for retribution. Thank goodness cooler heads prevailed in the form of Nog.
Date: 26 May 2013 01:43 Title: The Death of Trill
Holy hell. Having to walk away from that, from rushing into battle to claim vengeance, that took a lot of mettle.
Date: 26 May 2013 00:16 Title: The Death of Trill
Oh, Ezri. Reading this hurt, and God, the destruction that you've depicted here is just shattering. War is Hell. It so is. And you've done such an amazing job. I'm almost afraid to read what comes next, because this one hit so hard. Beautiful writing.
Date: 24 May 2013 02:19 Title: The Death of Trill
Gods, a war of untold savagery where the line cannot be drawn anywhere. Dragging Ezri down and down. You're doing a fantastic job CaptainSarine.
Date: 24 May 2013 01:30 Title: The Death of Trill
Oh, poor Ezri. Trill bites the dust and does so in brutal fashion. She's now she's part of a dying species. I'm glad Nog was there to talk her out of the immediate, angry approach. She didn't need to throwing herself and her crew at that battlecruiser in the state she was in.
With Trill gone and so many other worlds destroyed, the question becomes what now ... how does the Federation survive this? They look to be conquered. They look to have lost. But they have to hide away.
Date: 24 May 2013 01:13 Title: The Death of Trill
She makes the choice to live.
And it's the only reasonable one, really. It seems as if the only symbiont alive now is Dax. Quite a legacy to keep in your belly.
Date: 24 May 2013 00:33 Title: The Death of Trill
Oh, damn. This was devastating. Nog's right, though. Ezri can't risk herself and Dax for simple revenge. She's too valuable now for that ... and so, she should realize, is her crew.
I feel for her. Ouch.