Date: 27 Aug 2013 10:50 Title: Ezri
Interesting difference in perspective as to how Ezri gets her symbiont.
Date: 26 May 2013 01:35 Title: Ezri
No pressure, though. Oh, hey, you're going to kiss your sense of individuality goodbye on short notice.
That is all!
Date: 21 May 2013 08:34 Title: Ezri
This feels... so horrible and wrong. That he can order upon her a violation of her body and force a joining, it's just... awful. But it rings very possible. Probable. And on the other side, everyone's familiarity with Dax makes it even more painful.
Date: 21 May 2013 07:09 Title: Ezri
Ouch! To be pushed into this, and not even so much for the good of Dax, but for the good of the war effort. Tough position to be in, but war is Hell, and one is expected to do one's duty, no matter the personal cost, so long as the greater good is served.
Date: 20 May 2013 23:41 Title: Ezri
God. Tough call and really it feels like a scene we should have had in some sense somewhere on DS9. The lurch in Ezri's stomach that ahd to have been there when she realised what she had been called for. Damn. Worse still is that as much as it is dressed up in the importance of the symbiont it amounts in a large part to the need for the information Dax holds. That somehow makes it even colder, more clinical and all the more harrowing. It only actually strikes me how in many ways, this is forced on Ezri and one has to wonder at the parallels that can be drawn to that without getting too ugly - but from a forced situation it is easy to think of rape or think of it as some sort insemination or some kind reversal of an abortion. Quite chilling in its own way and one has to wonder how a host can withstand that.
Author's Response: I agree totally that I wish we could have gotten to see this on DS9. I hadn't necessarily thought of that when writing it, but you are totally right. In fact, I think that insight may change some of what is to come in these over ficlets! Thanks! And again, thanks for the comment.
Date: 20 May 2013 23:40 Title: Ezri
Wow, poor Ezri! I really feel for her here; the idea of being possibly forced into this is enough to give one a serious case of the heebies. (And losing Jadzia just sucks all around, let me tell you.) Very well written.
Author's Response: Thanks! I think they made it clear in the show that Ezri didn't get to choose her joining with Dax, and she struggled with it for a while. In my Restoration timeline, this happens much more viscerally and her struggles may have to take a back seat to what is to come... Thanks for the commment!
Date: 20 May 2013 19:15 Title: Ezri
Oh, wow. You painted the battle scarred scene very well here, and Ezri-sweet little Ezri-didn't quite put it all together and until she was told about Jadzia. I like this slant you have here ... instead of Ezri volunteering for this, even grudgingly, it seems that she's gonna be forced to accept Dax as part of a war effort. That's a different take and one I actually find more believable than the canon version of these events.
Well done and looked forward to more.
Author's Response: Yeah, it seemed obvious to me that there was no way they would keep Dax out of the war with the pivotal role Jadzia had played on DS9 and the pivotal place DS9 held in the Dominion War. Thanks for the comment, hope you'll enjoy tomorrow's "serving". :)
Date: 20 May 2013 18:05 Title: Ezri
Big choice for Ezri (but ... no pressure!).
Author's Response: :) Love your comment! Thanks!
Date: 20 May 2013 17:50 Title: Ezri
Oh, Ezri. Such a difficult, life-defining moment. No one should be forced to make it so quickly. But war is hell, and sometimes a single awful moment alters your destiny completely.
Author's Response: I always regretted the fact that we didn't get to see this happen in the show, especially as they made it clear that she struggled with the joining. In doing research for this ficlet, I discovered there is a short story dealing with it I may have to look up... Anyway, thanks for the review, glad you liked it and I managed to get across the idea I wanted.