Date: 12 Apr 2009 01:55 Title: Epilogue
No, I'm not going to stop, cos I forgot something.
Sudak. A character we were designed to hate. I really liked the Vulcan background you created for the Shari and the th'y'la relationship. Sudak was a forceful character, but with logical reasons for everything he did. His spin with Uhura was an interesting twist. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when she caught up with him. Vulcan or not, I think Uhura could kick some serious butt for doing what he did.
And yeah, I could keep babbling, but I will shut up now.
(cracked around the edges)
Author's Response: LOL. Oh, I'm with you, she coulda kicked him all the way back to hell --sorry, Vulcan. Sudak didn't realize unfortunately that he should have been grateful to Spock for intervening. LOL. He's not really a bad guy. Just very single-minded.

Date: 12 Apr 2009 01:51 Title: Epilogue
So where do I start?
I have to say that I prefer this one over all the other written reasons why the big three would have split up.
You have so many instense scenes in this.. Of course, my favourite has to be the final encounter between Kirk and Spock. Spock's passionate statement about McCoy was revelationary (is that a word?). It made me stop and think. My god, if McCoy knew, perhaps he does, it is just so major a revelation. Beautifully done.
The scene in the zero G facility was amazing. The energy, the passion...in fact it was the passion through out the entire story that defined it. Between each of the characters, beyond the requirements of duty, there was this passion, this solid friendship that was bent to breaking point.
And it broke.
You wrote all of this so wonderfully. For all of them. No one got left out and no-one was sidelined with a trite second rate plotline, you gave all of them their reasons and solid time throughout the story. And emphasized why we so love them all.
At the end of the story, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Kirk. Knowing what was to come in the movies (bar the rumoured second five year mission between 1 and 2), he was entering a period of his life that was full of pain. The movies were not kind to our big three, particularly Kirk. They took everything away from him and at the end of your story, that was all I could think about in regards to what happens next.
Your bad guys were very bad guys. Their method of execution and our crew's reaction got me asking questions. I briefly wondered why such a seasoned crew would be so astonished. But then with a bit of thought I realised that despite having been through war zones and other nasties, the majority of deaths they would have seen would have been cleaner than that. Zap and the body is gone. This was an entirely different thing.
And Kirk's final decision to not let Kramer take Spock formed the crux of the reason why Spock had to leave. Though I have to say that through out the fic, you made excellent use of defining the relationship between Kirk and Spock using actions rather than simply writing it out in words. A great technique that also kept me glued to the page.
I was pretty much glued the entire time :D
Thanks for writing such an involving fic. Enoyable, thought provoking, lovely and long, and explanatory in a way that fits perfectly into canon, and actually adds depth to the onscreen interactions between our characters. Thanks so much for sharing.
(I'll stop babbling now :D)
Author's Response: Thank you very much for such an in-depth review! I'm glad you enjoyed the story even if it does indeed open the gateway to far less sunny times. Kirk and Spock are my passion, and I'm happy if what I write for them is engaging. AH is indeed a rather lengthy story. I'm grateful that you survived through it till the end.;-)

Date: 11 Mar 2009 20:41 Title: Epilogue
Ooooh, such a powerful epilogue!!!
I must say, Anna, I loved this story, I really really did. It was wonderful to read. Every chapter was special in its own way. Wonderful work. Truly wonderful.
(And I love "One"!!!)
Author's Response: Thank you very much, Mrs. P! I'm very happy you liked the story. ;-)