Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2009 23:40 Title: Purge

Quite a climax to the story and Tain's reputation is sealed and his revenge sated. Quite a bloody sycthe of the Obsidian Order and it shows the nth degree he is willing to go to. Yes, like you said in a response, he believes in his won cause and reasons for doing what he does and employing the methids he uses. Shall be intriguing to see how Tain transits from being a frontline operative to a grand puppeteer of the Order. Again, it has to be said, a fascinating exploration of Tain and others. Character fleshed out with more backstory. Now I'm eager to learn more and to see some of Garak's upbringing.

Author's Response: It felt like a long time in getting there. Some of the twists along the way surprised me, too, since I don't do thorough outlines before starting a tale, just get a general idea of where I want it to go and let it dictate its own terms of how it gets there. Thanks for reading through and sticking with the original Cardassian Man of Mystery before Elim Garak shows up. I'm hoping the next installment can maintain the excitement. Thanks again for all the great reviews!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2009 22:49 Title: Purge

Damn... well played, Tain!  He gets vengence of a sort, while consigning many others to the grave and improving his standing in the agency a thousand-fold.  Truly, this man's cunning and single-mindedness are deserving of eventual leadership of the Obsidian Order.

I'm presuming this is not yet the end.  I'd like to see how things wrap up with Mila and Tolan at home.

Author's Response: It's the end of this installment. The sequel will return to Mila and Tolan as well as show how things next progress with Tain's ambitions. I had to leave a few questions unanswered. This was only the beginning! I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope the next can live up to expectations.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 24 Sep 2009 23:30 Title: Purge

Oh, how I hated Tain in this chapter, while still finding him compelling to read about.  Well done!   ;D

On to the next installment!  (Pretty please?)

Author's Response: Couldn't have anyone thinking he was going soft. Thank you!

I'm still working up exactly when I want to pick up and what I want to happen in the next story, but it should be fairly soon. It's something of a challenge for me knowing where a character winds up and working out a plausible way for him to arrive without the foregone conclusion making it a bore.

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