Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Oct 2009 15:53 Title: Under Cover of Darkness

Again, the lengths and preparations and back up plans Tain has are amazing. This chapter shows his skill at playing this game and being prepared. Really well done to realise such a cahracter and bring him to the page.

Wonderful to see the family life we see here. No doubt a very rare scene in the future. A bold and wise move on Tolan's part to give Tain the babe to hold in his arms. Very calculating and smart to ensure the man's favour.

Can't wait to see how this plays out and the efforts that will need to be made to restore Tain. His enemies certainly went to some lengths from the very outset to get at him. A very scary thought and very dark. Ohh ... shiver up my spine.

Author's Response: I'm really glad you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you! Tain's contingency plans run deep. After all he has been through on the mission, I think taking a few moments of comfort from the woman he loves and his son makes sense in that context. He's not a machine, after all, even if sometimes he acts like it.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2009 21:30 Title: Under Cover of Darkness

Damn, Mila would make an admirable OO operative in her own right.  Tain has chosen well.

Author's Response: We do know about her from canon that she worked at one of the OO offices for a time in her life. They never specified doing what. I personally couldn't see Tain leaving the handling of his estate in the hands of anyone he didn't find fully capable in every way. I'm sure he helped train her in some of it, but country women are always pretty darn tough. I imagine she got a lot of it just living in the harsh conditions outside Lakat.

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