Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2009 18:29 Title: Point of No Return

Now this is the kind of twist I'd expect from the Obsidian Order.  Dyban's been set up, and Tain's been manipulated into unintentionally executing him. 

I loved the segment with the Cardassian females putting on a show for the matriarchal natives.  Who knew the Cardassians could be so accommodating?  That was a layer of subtlety that the Cardassians aren't often known for, but can apparently utilize when necessary.

Author's Response: I had fun with the kanar party and the thought of the males' grudging participation in the ruse. When they have a goal, there is much they can and will do to achieve it. I'm really glad you liked the twist, too. Thanks!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Sep 2009 11:45 Title: Point of No Return

Ha! It bespokes of the Cardassian mindset that the rest of the party were able to fall into line so quickly with the ploy outlined by Lok/Tain. A great escapade and a lot of fun had with what was also a very clever move.

Back aboard ship Dyban's ellimination came so swiftly and the realisation that Tain has in fact been played is quite stunning. Now it is a matter of to what degree has he been played and who exactly is involved. The involvement of Romulans is usually a complication but with Cardassians around complications, intrigue and backstabbing already abound. Great stuff.

Author's Response: The party with the hunters was the only real fun they were able to have, at least the ladies. The men weren't so enamored of the situation!

I wanted Dyban's death to be very sudden and shocking. Tain certainly wasn't expecting it, and now a chain of events has been unleashed beyond which there is no going back. Thank you for continuing to read and offer feedback.

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