Date: 28 Sep 2009 18:07 Title: Regrouping
Having bureaucratic infighting between military and intelligence arms costing lives on a mission is something that Starfleet personnel would find unconscionable. However, the Cardassians seem to accept this in mute silence, knowing full well what any protests would bring. Glad to see Ocek pulled through and that she and Tain will be back to their normal selves (at least Ocek will be) in no time.
Author's Response: True. Criticism of the ways of the state is usually a short road to a traitor's death, regardless of whether the criticism is justified. You're right. You would never see that in Starfleet unless it were a cadre of rogue officers bent on bad deeds. The Cardassians have their own way of dealing with such things, thus the huge number of favors, debts, and grudges they keep track of in their complicated lives.
Date: 27 Sep 2009 11:31 Title: Regrouping
A certain dance is played here between Tain and Dyban and it makes for some speculation. What are Dyban's motivations and what are his intentions? Tain has still a bit to sift through.
Also great to see the manner in which the expansion of the Union is carried out, although personally I'd be reluctant to step foot on the planet after what happened never mind landing the ship on the surface. Ha!
Oh and a complication if ever, with Ocek wanting to meet Tain's family. Wonder how they'll get around that one.
Author's Response: "Oh and a complication if ever, with Ocek wanting to meet Tain's family. Wonder how they'll get around that one."
Oh, every complication has some solution...