Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Sep 2009 10:06 Title: Setting the Hook

EEEEEEE! So exciting. The interplay of politics and character and intrigues. And all very expertly and deftly handled by its author. Great, great, great, character interaction heightened all the more by the duplicity of Tain's cover. It makes it all so enthralling. Even a simple flirtation is a complication.

Also the game of stones is absolutely fascinating sounding. I'd like to see a game played. I just love how the different members use it read one another's character and traits and use it measure one another. Very much engrossing. I could have a chapter on a game of stones as described by you any day. Is it canon? Or of your own making?

Again, fabulously interesting tale being spun. You do this oh so well.

Author's Response: Writing this chapter hurt my brain a little, trying to keep up with who was playing what social game and how. The game of Stones is my creation. I had read about Kotra, and I thought that it sounded very Central Command-ish with its emphasis on aggressive strategy. Stones is more Obsidian Order-ish. I've developed a history of it that may or may not be included in future stories. It just felt like a very Cardassian game to me, something that by playing, you reveal your inner workings to your opponents. Truly good players develop strategies very different from the real way they think, thereby revealing very little of themselves.

I'm really glad you enjoyed this chapter. It was one of my favorites overall.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Sep 2009 10:26 Title: Setting the Hook

A fascinating introspective of the various personalities involved in this mission.  Dyban is no fool, and it seems Tain may just be a bit too clever for his own good.  I have to keep reminding myself that this isn’t the wizened old spymaster we come to know on DS9, but his younger, perhaps more reckless self.  It’s a thin line he’s treading between making Lok seem intellectually wary without tipping his hand that he’s not exactly what he appears.

Great stuff!


Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! Yes, this is younger, not as wise Tain well before his ascendancy to the top of his game. He has quite a few lessons left in store to learn, none of them easy ones. The game he's playing isn't for the faint of heart.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Aug 2009 05:05 Title: Setting the Hook

You know, Cardassians are socially exhausting.  All the intrigue is fun to read about, but this chapter sort of seemed like a "slice of Cardassian life" and I'm realizing mind games and intrigue are just part of the cultural landscape.  I think I would go insane there!


Author's Response: Oh, definitely. Games within games, wheels within wheels, particularly when dealing with the major government players working together. Everyone is seeking advantage here. While I don't think that would necessarily be true of the average Joe Cardassian just trying to get by, these are people high in the military, intelligence, and civilian elite where position is everything. I'd go insane, too, if I had to live that way, but it's fun to write. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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