Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Sep 2009 09:56 Title: Opening Gambit

Interesting character interaction and again the manner in which Tain navigates his pretence and the purpose of the mission is startlingly amazing. Great details and flourishes of observations as well as learnign more of the Cardassian way of life as we see aspects of life aboard a ship.

Great interactions as I've already noted but worth repeating. And it seems Tain has a very difficult task ahead of him with Black Squad to contend with no matter about the rest. Wonder does Tain have to read up on the book he's supposed to have written! Ha!

Atop of which to say, it seems the Obsidian Order really does know what you have dinner.

Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, Tain's task hasn't gotten any easier with the addition of the extraction specialist to the team. He absolutely had to read the book he "wrote". (He didn't enjoy it, either.)

They do if they have reason to watch you, yes indeed. hehe

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Sep 2009 08:53 Title: Opening Gambit

The intricacies of Cardassian relations must make even routine missions exhausting with everyone constantly looking over their shoulders.  What would be a milk run with a Starfleet crew becomes a painstakingly choreographed ballet of paranoia and brinksmanship among this species.  I’ll be fascinated to see how this crew pulls off its mission in the midst of all the maneuvering.

Author's Response: I don't think it would be so bad if it were just Gul Hadan's crew. It's the commingling of the various government factions that makes this as complicated as it is. I'm glad you're finding it interesting. It took me a while to work out in my head how they all related to one another, or failed to relate.

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