Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Sep 2009 21:50 Title: Viper's Den

Wow wee. I'm kinda mind blown by this chapter. The playing of games and trying to live a pretence. All very convincingly portrayed with the discomfiture and stumblings that are natural in such a circumstance; yet somehow they come off as a couple. Their mixed history adding the depth of feeling that adds so much to the dynamics between them. A sparring warring couple they very much appear. Excellent stuff again.

Author's Response: It would be such an awkward act, having to feign marriage to a sibling. I truly can't imagine, but I had to try! Thanks for the great review!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Sep 2009 04:03 Title: Viper's Den

A nice chapter as Tolan settles into to his new existence in the city.  Living in Tain's household would be a challenge for the stoutest of hearts, given that it requires all manner of lies and subterfuge. 

Here's hoping everything goes as planned...


Author's Response: Thanks! I wouldn't enjoy being in Tolan's position at all. I don't think Tolan is enjoying it much at that point either, but Cardassians will go to great lengths for their families.

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