Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Sep 2009 21:35 Title: Tendrils of Love

More world building with the aspect of Orialius and the farms going bankrupt and the people banding together to start a co-op. Very fascinating, especially with Tolan telling half-lies of which Mila is more than able to discern working with Tain. Tolan is obviously going to be a very dangerous element to her life and no wonder Garak grows up with a certain almost anti-State stance despite his fervent loyalty. Between Tolan and Tain no wonder we have such a complex and contradictory character as Garak.

Author's Response: So little was ever seen or said of Tolan, and yet he stamped Garak as surely and thoroughly as Tain. It was obvious in the character we saw on DS9 and the man Garak became after the Dominion War. He is a dangerous soul, all the more for his simplicity and refusal to compromise in certain ways. I'm glad you seem to feel the portrayal makes sense from the character of Garak. Reverse engineering of characters is a little tricky sometimes.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Aug 2009 09:26 Title: Tendrils of Love

Tolan's definitely up to something, but what level of instigation he's dabbling in remains uncertain.  One thing is certain, seditious talk of that sort will be met quickly and surely in Tain’s household, so Tolan had better learn some discretion, and soon.


Wonderful imagery here from Mila’s dream.  The vividness of your prose captures the scene beautifully, as does the contrast between the lush panorama of her dream and the arid wasteland of Tolan’s reality.


Continued excellence!



Author's Response: Yes, Tolan is up to something, and you're absolutely right. Talk like that in Tain's house is a one way ticket to a trial with a foregone conclusion. Let's hope Tolan figures that out without finding himself on the wrong side of Tain's interrogation chamber. Thank you so much! I wanted a way to show the Cardassia of her youth without flashback. A dream fit the bill.

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