Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Aug 2009 20:53 Title: Persuasion Part II

Somehow Mila convinces him. Tolan's agreement may be based partly in having a say in the child's life - maybe the need to nurture and help something grow is that strong in him as a failed farmer. The nicer part of me says yes that mut be so. The more cynically part wonders at the motivation and whether something else lies under it - he's fairly in the know about Tain and his business. I don't know whether that would be known to the public at large or not but certainly going into this Tolan knows the score and danger. His desire to have a say in Garak's upbringing might be part of his plan certainly I can see it causing a lot of difficulties and tensions down the line.

Author's Response: I always got the impression that some of the more powerful movers and shakers in the Order were household names. Of course, what was known about them would be wildly exaggerated or completely inaccurate, but it follows along the same principle of letting people believe the Order knows what you had for dinner. If you're surrounded with enough fear and mythology, it's an excellent buffer against all but the most determined and educated adversaries.

All I'll say about Tolan is that he is a complex man of complex motivations who doesn't mind if people assume he is simple, much like a certain tailor we would later come to know and love, or love to hate in some cases.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Aug 2009 09:29 Title: Persuasion Part II

What is he up to? Well written, and Tolan could prove to inconvenience, later.

Author's Response: Time will tell! ;) Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Aug 2009 03:31 Title: Persuasion Part II

I wonder if Tolan's got himself into some kind of trouble that might make Mila's offer more agreeable for him?  That went easier than Mila expected, and I'm guessing there's a reason for that.  Or, perhaps he's just tired and worn down from trying to eek out an existence in a dying land.

Only time will tell.


Author's Response: Time will definitely tell. I can promise you haven't seen the last of this issue, but that's all I can say!

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