Reviews For Obsidian Objective
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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2013 00:41 Title: His Strongest Weakness

Well, now, isn't this an interesting situation?

For Mila, I imagine, there were few places she could go. An unwed Cardassian mother? I would think there aren't any. 

I admit I do not know Deep Space Nine and the Cardassian culture well at all, but I do recall that adoption is more or less looked down upon and maybe even a bit forbidden. So there are no places for her. Enabran asking her why she was not already gone, that was a bit disingenuous. She had no alternatives.

Well-written, chilling, alien and strange. It is easy to see why this story was an award winner.

Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Jul 2013 20:32 Title: His Strongest Weakness

Solid opening chapter to this story.

Enabran Tain and Mila relationship feels real and the prose reads easily enough.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Aug 2009 13:45 Title: His Strongest Weakness

A very thorough piece of writing - by that I mean the little details, the emotions, the actions of the characters and scene all rang true, absorbing the reader into the tale. Apart from the fact, it tells the origin story of Garak and the compelling figure of Tain. It always seemed like a foolish thing for a member so high and devious within the Order to expose themselves to the threat entailed by having a child, a family, close connections that could be used and abused.

However, we learn here that Tain himself was the one from the outset, in cold calculation decided the risks could be outweighed to create the perfect agent, Cardassia's most loyal citizen. It is coldblooded and harrowing to think that his motivation for not killing Garak in the womb and his mother, was in order to create a weapon to his own ends. He himself ends up using and abusing his child. That's cold, hard, determination. No wonder Garak's smile cannot be trusted.

Taunt and tight and terrific writing. And I'm glad to see that the story is being expanded on. From get go here, you have created a very dark and duplicitious world of machinations and ulterior motives, with hidden agendas and emotions. This should be a thrilling and compulsive read.

Author's Response: Thank you for the thorough review. As I've mentioned elsewhere, this was the only way that made sense to me for Tain to do what he did. Somebody else may come up with an equally compelling reason in their own fic down the line, but that was the only way that worked in my head. The results, as we saw in the show, were fascinating, but somewhat tragic. I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I hope I can keep up the quality and pace. It's proving to be a challenge.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10 Aug 2009 21:31 Title: His Strongest Weakness

Awesome, as I've said before. Stunningly crafted!

Author's Response: Thank you very much for the feedback! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Aug 2009 01:28 Title: His Strongest Weakness


Intense, gripping, and more than a little bloodchilling.  You've captured the cool, cruel intellect of Tain, as well as given us an insight into what makes a man like him tick.  The weakness he despises in himself are what the rest of us would aspire to, but then the rest of us aren't in his particular line of work.

Mila is fearless in the face of his monstrous intellect, and clearly adores a man perhaps only she could love.

Disturbing, revealing, and altogether brilliant work!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it and found something there to relate to. Tain is far from a sympathetic character and therefore a real challenge to write. I hope you'll like what I have in store for him. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

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