Date: 17 Jan 2021 12:13 Title: Episode 19.5: The Ivonovic Commission - Stroke of Luck
Okay, that was one hell of a misleading chapter title. Didn't see that coming. But then again, considering Minerva's age, it was perhaps not entirely inevitable that her body would give out on her at some point.
Definite gut-punch to her friend.
While reading this I was reminded that I really wouldn't mind getting a look at what Hunter looks like one of these days. I'd recommend Tadeo D'Oria (https://tadeodoria.com) if you are ever interested in getting some renders of your ship done. I haven't used his serves personally but I know people who have and he does really amazing work.
Author's Response:
I never said it was a stroke of good luck... I did foreshadow the stroke with Minerva constantly rubbing her neck in every scene in 18 and 19. It serves a number of story purposes.
Thanks for the reference - I will definitely look him up. If his services are affordible, I would very much like to have a render. I should include a more detailed description - the Hunter is black and the saucer section is shaped more like a slightly squahed egg - almost as deep as it is wide. The Engineering deck and deck one are in the strut that connects the saucer to the nacelle. Instead of being canted forward like most Star Fleet designs / the strut is canted back , positioning the saucer directly over a single nacelle that is as long and almost as wide as the saucer.
From the outside, the skin is continuous, giving no indication where the windows, hatches or any other openings might be located. Like the B2 bomber, there are no flat surfaces, sharp edges or corners. If you touch it there is almost no surface tension; your hand seems to slide right off of it. It is somewhat taller, shorter and less wide than the Defiant (Escort class.) The registry is accomplished in dark gray and appears on the sides instead of the top front. Its design is optimized for speed, stealth and resistance to scanning.
Thanks!! rbs