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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 Dec 2020 12:40 Title: Episode 17.11: Terms of Surrender - Planet of the Humans

"Where have all the vulcans gone?" sounds like the title of a number one hit song in the Federation charts.

But man, the notion that the Federation has planned a trap for the Romulans to invade Vulcan over decades is just nuts. I mean, I can believe it, but still nuts. That's some serious planning and foresight.

Also, now that you mention it, Sela. Humans are pretty great. At the risk of sounding xenophobic: Yay, for humans!

Author's Response:

Section 31 is frightfully good at what they do. You don't think that moon over Qo'noS, whose destruction ended the cold war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire (Star Trek VI) exploded all by itself, do you? And just who poisoned Odo so that he could contaminate the Founders and end the Dominion War? 

As for Sela - you can imagine how the Neanderthals felt when they kept getting boxed in. "Why do these homo saps always seem to have the upper hand? And has anyone noticed how many hybrids there are these days?"

But trapping the Romulans on Vulcan is only the opening act for Section 31. Julian has much bigger fish to fry...

Thanks!! rbs

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