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Reviewer: CeJay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10 Dec 2020 20:34 Title: Episode 17.4: Terms of Surrender - Facing the Music

All right, more unexpected twists and turns. Honestly, not totally sure what to think here. Is the emperor an ally or a foe? And it looks like Ivonovich may still harbor some xenophobic tendencies after all. I guess people are complex.

I guess I'm not going to complain anymore when I forget my eight digit password. Yeesh.

Author's Response:

The blind emperor is a mystery shrouded in enigma and surrounded by Blue Oyster Cult album covers. He is so much fun to write...

And Emory, for all his popularity and cunning, is a man in need of a friend..

Glad you got a kick out of my passcode gag!  Thanks!! rbs

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