Reviews For Star Trek Hunter Part 5 - Episodes 14 - 16
Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Nov 2020 12:24 Title: Episode 16.3 - Slavers: Self Sealing Stem Bolts
Date: 14 Nov 2020 12:24 Title: Episode 16.3 - Slavers: Self Sealing Stem Bolts
Well, I'm obviously a fan of cantankerous old veterans who've done it all and seen it all and are not shy to teach their juniors the errors of their ways.
I'm quite certain Alstars (All Stars?) and Katanga would get on famously.
Also loving the little Back to the Future reference (quite poignant considering recent time travel shenanigans), not to mention the return of one of my favorite Trek-themed running gags, the infamous self-sealing stembolts. At least these guys know what to do with them. Kinda.
Author's Response:
A bit of a pun - Moon, Sun and Alstars in the engine room. Glad you're enjoying Geoff - he could definitely relate to Katanga.
I totally had to work in those self-sealing stembolts somewhere...
Thanks!! rbs